In the Law of Attraction, you may have noticed that experts in manifestation often praise the power of journaling.
Keeping a journal helps boost positive thinking and you can develop a clearer vision of your dreams. However, if you've never had a journal before then you may feel a little lost and intimidated at first, unsure of what to write.
This article about Law of Attraction journaling will help you develop a clearer understanding of why and how keeping a journal can be so beneficial to your manifestation journey.
Following that, we’ll introduce you to scripting – a fantastic Law of Attraction technique that’s related to journaling.
We’ll explain exactly what it and take you through the steps you need to take to ensure scripting enhances your manifestation.
There are many ways you can journal and rather than staring at a blank page, not knowing what to do, you can learn techniques that make you get into a flow much quicker and actually enjoy the process!
Using techniques, prompts and guidelines will get you journaling pages and reaping all of its benefits in no time!
While it's likely that you already know some of the ways in which keeping a journal can improve your life, most people underestimate the power of this daily habit. Let's take a closer look at five of the most significant benefits that journaling can have on your well-being.
When you keep a regular journal, it's a little like maintaining a constant dialogue with yourself. It encourages you to reflect on what you're really feeling and thinking, prompting you to ask deeper questions about who you are and what you truly want from life.
This is a great technique to develop self-awareness which is key to living your best life. Without a journal, it's easy to stay so busy that you don't really reflect on what's going on under the surface. All kinds of things can be left under-explored, from anxieties to your dreams.
Journaling can assist you in developing a more compassionate attitude towards yourself.
Approach the dialogue in your journal the way you would with a friend, you then subconsciously take on that message.
Higher self-esteem can follow as a result.
Keeping a journal helps you to externalize your worries, making it less unlikely that you'll get caught in a loop of unproductive thinking.
Focusing on your challenges can help you organize your thoughts and make more sense of the situation.
For example, writing a stream of consciousness helps to gradually turn it into something more organized and linear.
In general, fans of journaling also say that the process helps them to become better problem-solvers – even when they're not using their journal to solve a problem.
Plausibly, journaling hones your analytical skills, improves your ability to express yourself, and gives you much-needed practice in viewing issues in a balanced way.
Journaling is an incredible stress management tool. You can write absolutely anything without having to pass it through a filter – this means you can be as angry, sad, joyful, or confused as you currently feel, all without the risk of judgment or worries about how other people might react.
Writing honestly in a journal is powerfully cathartic, helping you to avoid bottling up feelings that ultimately drag you down.
Once you've poured out your heart and soul, it's highly likely that you'll feel much more clear-headed.
It's like ranting to a good friend, but with no limitations on what you can say or how long you can spend on the topic.
Meanwhile, the log of your stress can help you in the future. For example, it can make it easier to spot patterns in the things that stress you out and can help you identify strategies that continuously work in helping you to calm down.
On a related note, there's also an important connection between journal writing and managing your overall mood.
You tune in to yourself when you write a journal entry, connecting with where you really are in the present moment.
In this sense, it's a form of mindfulness, anchoring you and improving your focus. And you probably know from reading about meditation, any form of mindfulness improves emotional regulation over time.
In other words, the more mindfulness you practice, the better able you are to identify and exert some influence over your feelings.
Journaling also encourages you to tune in to your imaginative side. In having to find the right words, phrases, and images to convey your feelings, you develop your language skills and gain confidence in your self-expression.
If you approach journaling with a free, playful attitude, it can start to unlock a more creative part of you that many people leave behind after childhood.
Finally, you might be skeptical about the link between journaling and how to achieve your goals in life, but there are good reasons to think there is a robust link there.
Firstly, consider that you often write down your biggest dreams, even if you've never voiced these dreams to anyone else.
Psychologists say, when we write something down, we send a signal to our brains that the thing is important.
A part of our brains – the RAS – then starts to look around the world for ways to achieve the goals.
In addition, notice that writing a detailed dream for the future is very similar to practicing creative visualization exercises. Both help you to fully believe in your goals and to send out the right signals required to manifest the things you most desire.
Now that you know why you should spend time journaling, let’s take a closer look at how to do it well! We’ll offer you a range of prompts, alongside some specific journaling styles that should help you get into a daily writing habit that works for you.
If you're finding it hard to get started, journaling prompts are an effective way to get you into the right headspace for writing. Here are a few to get you started:
* What's the best thing that happened to you today, and why? How can you get more of that in your life?
* What upset you today, and why?
* How can you show yourself kindness and self-love today?
* Where do you want to be, and what is the main thing stopping you from being there?
* What are five areas of life in which you'd like to improve?
* What is one thing you want to approach differently tomorrow?
* How have you made yourself proud today?
* If you could take one lesson away from the day's experiences, what would it be and why?
Sometimes known as “morning pages”, journal entries are written first thing in the morning offers a few unique benefits. Firstly, your mind is free and clear from external input, as you haven't yet become fully reimmersed in your day.
This means you'll get a more authentic insight into your thoughts, especially if writing in a stream of consciousness.
Writing in the morning can help you set the tone for the day, including reviewing your goals for the day.
To start a morning page habit, make sure that your diary is the very first thing you reach for when you wake up!
This means not checking your work email or starting to scroll through social media. So, it's smart to keep your journal (and a pen) right by your bedside.
Short journal entries can be written at any time of the day, and they focus on making sure that you get something down onto the page every day.
After all, you might not have time for half an hour every day, but almost everyone can fit in 5 minutes of journaling.
Don't feel that your entries have to be long and detailed – the most important thing is simply to get into the habit of journaling.
In fact, there are reasons to support that short journal entries can provide unique insights. If you only write down a few quick thoughts or events that seem important each day, you'll soon begin to see patterns emerge.
What stressors are reoccurring? What things make you happiest? What overlapping themes underline most of your struggles? Short journal entries can reveal the answers to all of these questions, especially over several months.
Now, even with the above encouragement, you might find yourself staring down at your journal and feeling like you just don't know what to write. Don't worry – it's tough to come up with journaling ideas if you're not used to the process. Here are some prompts that will get you started.
The following prompts are ideal if you're trying to really understand your wants and needs. Journal prompts for self-discovery are especially useful if you're not sure what your life purpose really is, or what your key values might be.
1. I really wish others knew this about me…
2. What 5 things are important for you to embrace?
3. If you loved yourself unconditionally, what would you be doing differently? How can you incorporate these aspects into your life?
4. What do you love about your life?
5. When did work feel inspiring, necessary, and satisfying to you?
6. List everything that inspires you —books, websites, Inspirational quotes, artwork, videos, or things in nature. Why do they inspire you? How do they make you feel?
7. What is something you need or would like to learn? To bring a spark to your life?
8. Where do you see yourself in 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months?
9.List three things that light you up?
10. What does your perfect day look like?
If you're going through a challenging situation and journaling is mainly meant to help you tackle this, reflection questions can help you gain clarity and self-awareness. In particular, these prompts focus on trying to help you shift your perspective and see your challenge in a fresh, positive light.
1. If I could talk to my younger self, What would I say?
2. What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
3. Reflect on your biggest mistakes or failures, what did you learn?
4. What no longer serves you? What is holding you back?
5. How do you want to improve yourself?
6. Explore and dive deep into how you have grown in the past year.
7. How do you want to be remembered?
8. What drives your everyday decisions? Love, Fear, Or Obligation?
9. What is the best advice you could give someone?
10. What is the biggest priority in your life?
Finally, prompts for self-awareness are all about trying to get to know yourself on a deeper level, identifying all of your core needs and wants. This has important impacts on every other area of your life, from bolstering your self-confidence to helping you better identify how you should spend your time.
1. What gives you more energy: being around people or alone time?
2. If your body could talk, what would it say? Does this align with what you want it to say?
3. List everything you want to say no to.
4. List everything you want to say yes to.
5. What are your biggest strengths and weakness
6. How would people that know you vs strangers describe you?
7. What are you self-conscious about? Why do you think you have these insecurities?
8. What makes you feel the most inspired? Your work? Being in nature? A Hobby?
9. What would your childhood self-love and dislike about you now?
10. When I’m feeling down, what is the best thing I can do for myself?
Now that you have a better grasp of how to approach regular journaling, let's move on to a powerful law of attraction technique that harnesses similar benefits. Scripting simply gets you to write down a story that is based on the kind of life you want to create.
For example, suppose that you want to start your own business. Scripting would require you to write down all the details as you imagine them – a narrative of your success and happiness. So, you would include your thoughts and feelings, what your surroundings are like, the people you encounter, and the things you hear and see – the more detail the better!
As we noted above, regular journaling can be somewhat like creative visualization, where you build a picture of your manifestation goals in your head. Scripting takes this one step further and is more like a fully written equivalent of creative visualization. In the rest of this article, we'll walk you through the major benefits of adding scripting to your routine, and we'll give you all the basic steps you need to take in order to get the most out of this amazing process.
The benefits of scripting are numerous, and certainly not exhausted by the list below. However, here are some of the most significant and long-lasting changes you can expect to enjoy if you decide to practice scripting techniques.
Firstly, it's important to view scripting as a way of manifesting through writing. When you script, you send a signal out into the universe about how you want your future to be.
As a manifestation technique, scripting speeds up the process by increasing your vibrations and letting the law of attraction work.
When you first start scripting, visualizing your dream helps you build an appropriate image before writing anything down.
With practice, you're likely to find that it gets increasingly easier to imagine the picture as you're writing it down.
In addition, note that scripting doesn't require you to write something that you feel represents your best creative skills. It just needs to vividly communicate what you see in your mind's eye, in a way that feels right to you.
While scripting is often used to manifest big goals and dreams like love or abundance, it can also be used in much smaller but equally potent ways.
In particular, some Law of Attraction practitioners uses scripting every day, writing down the details of how they'd like their day to go.
You can do this in the morning (like the “morning pages” we discussed above), or you can do it before bed as a kind of blueprint for the next day.
Either way, create your ideal day in advance and really tune into what you want from it.
If you're using scripting on a daily basis, don't feel you have to write about the full day. It's entirely acceptable (and maybe even more effective) to focus your scripting on a particular event you want to go well – for example, a date, a meeting, a presentation.
A further benefit of scripting lies in its potential to boost your vibration. In other words, scripting can help turn your energy toward more positive feelings when focusing on happy and inspiring things.
Remember, like attracts like, so the powers of positive thinking can only attract positive things in your life!
There are also other techniques that are designed to increase your vibration and help manifest.
For example, one you can try involves writing down as many words as you can that make you feel good. These can be people, places, items, favorite words, or anything you associate with positivity.
Do this for a 5-minute stretch and notice the change in your mood afterward. The spike in your energy and enthusiasm tells you that you're vibrating on a higher frequency, and are more likely to achieve your goals at a faster rate. Note that you can also repeatedly read this script for a quick boost!
In this final section, we'll turn to the steps and techniques required to script the story of your life. However, although these are guidelines, they are not hard and fast rules – feel free to adjust and experiment if the mood strikes you!
As with many Law of Attraction techniques, the first thing you need to do at the start of your scripting process is to set yourself a clear intention.
In other words, what's the one, major goal on which you want to focus the majority of your energy? While you can set multiple goals at a time, this dilutes your vibrational intensity and slows the speed at which you're likely to manifest.
So, consider what you want to achieve, pick out one particular thing, and prepare yourself to start creating a script around it.
Start by wording the goal in a way that sounds exactly right – you can play around with different phrasings until something resonates with you.
Make sure that your goal is highly specific, too – you want to ensure you send out a message about exactly what you want from the Universe.
As you begin to write your script, make sure you tune directly into the feelings that go with your goal.
Write it as though it's an account of something that has already happened – more like a journal or a diary.
Imagine how you'd feel if you manifest your dreams and engage with every sense – sight, sound, smell, touch, and hearing.
Try to get into a flow, just getting caught up in the emotions you're experiencing.
As noted above, if you need a little inspiration then take a few minutes to close your eyes and visualize. This can help you start the scripting process if you're feeling blocked, and it can help to restart you if you begin to stall.
Finally, ensure that gratitude is woven into the narrative that you're scripting. Communicate how wonderful and grateful you feel to have the thing that you've wanted in your life, and focus on how you'll never take that thing for granted.
As evidenced by work with gratitude lists and gratitude journals, experiencing these types of feelings raises your overall vibration in a way that supports manifestation.
Plus, Law of Attraction authors teach how gratitude helps to speed up the rate of manifestation.
Note that feeling gratitude doesn't mean feeling lucky – you don't want to send out the message that you don't deserve the thing you're working to manifest! Rather, the goal is to revel in how good things are and to be aware of how much better off your life is now.
If you liked the sound of scripting then you might like this free toolkit! It shows you techniques on how you can use the Law of Attraction to manifest the life you desire today!
Learn how to utilize the Law of Attraction today to start living your dream life!