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Law Of Attraction Authors

On this page you will find a list of the best Law Of Attraction authors on the planet- people who have helped spread the Law Of Attraction teachings and educate people around the world on the power of manifestation and positive thinking.

You are probably already familiar with The Secret teachers from the bestselling book and documentary film, but there are many more Law Of Attraction experts and teachers out there that have amazing teachings and programs designed to help you succeed in all areas of life. Over the years, most of these teachers have featured in other popular Law of Attraction movies and documentaries too.

Law Of Attraction Teachers & Authors

Table Of Contents

Katherine Hurst

Katherine Hust has been a leading expert in community since 2014, authoring programs including Origins, and the book The Secret Law Of Attraction: Master The Power Of Intention. One of Katherine’s major contributions to the Law of Attraction is the concept of the intention point.

Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden is a New York Times author of the New Age literature known for bridging science and spirituality. Some of his most famous books are: Fractal Time (2009), Awakening To Zero Point: The Collective Initiation (1995) and The Turning Point: Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes (2014). Gregg is also 2015-2020 Templeton Prize nominee.

Sonia Ricotti

An American entrepreneur, motivational speaker, corporate trainer, and author. Two of his most famous books are “The Success Principles” and the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series. Known as “America’s #1 Success Coach,” he has studied and reported on what makes successful people different, motivated, driven, and inspired.

Dawn Clark

Dawn Clark is an international best-selling Law Of Attraction author, strategic advisor, and innovator. Dawn teaches strategies for success and helps people understand how to unlock their potential. Some of her clients areFortune 100 executives, scientists, and celebrities. Two of her well-known books are Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene and The Forbidden Text.

Louise Hay

Louise Hay is one of the founders of the self-help movement. She is a motivational author of several New Thought self-help books (including The Power Within You and You Can Heal Your Heal Your Life) and founder of Hay House. Her aim is to share her journey and affirmations and help people create joy in their lives.

Esther Hicks

Esther Hicks is an Americal Law Of Attraction author and speaker. She had appeared in the original movie The Secret (2006), had presented at numerous workshops and lectures, and together with her husband Jerry Hicks wrote nine books. In her work Esther “interprets”what she calls “infinite intelligence” – “Abraham”.

Natalie Ledwell

Natalie Ledwell is an inspirational author and speaker, and the co-founder of Mind Movies. She helps people achieve their dreams by using Law Of Attraction techniques such as digital dream boards and movies.

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is an American author, and businessman. He is well-known for his self-help books Unlimited Power and Unleash The Power Within. Forbes magazine included him in the Celebrity 100 list in 2007 and his TED talks are one of the most viewed ones. Tony Robbins also does work for the Robbins-Madanes Center which focuses on personal and family phycology.

Andy Shaw

Andy Shaw is the founder of A Bug Free Mind. He teaches how to once again find your natural success mindset, through a process of removing the bugs from your mind He is also the author of personal growth books Creating a Bug Free Mind: Freedom from Struggle and Creating Your Life by Design.

Jean Houston

Jean Houston is an American author and philosopher, also known as one of the founders of the Human Potential Movement where humans can experience an exceptional quality of life through developing their human potential.
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