When asked about the secret to their success, many celebrities and profitable business people credit the power of positive self-talk and obsessively envisioning their own success as a great help for actually going out there and achieving it.
However, as Jessica Chatfield shows us, this approach doesn’t only work for the rich and famous. It can have a powerful impact on the lives of everyone, no matter how young or old.
This popular video shows how one little girl, Jessica Chatfield, in the playful spirit of a child, has discovered what positive words can do for her day.
She may be using affirmations unknowingly, but the result is still the same! She feels good. She has become her own greatest cheerleader! We can all learn from this.
An oldie but a goldie!
“Look I can be a shark. My whole house is great! I can do anything good. I like my school, I like my dad and my cousins. I like my aunts, I like my Allisons. I like my mom, I like my sisters. I like my hair and haircuts. I like my pajamas! I like my stuff. I like my room and I like my whole house! My whole house is great. I can do anything good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I can do anything good. Better than anyone. Better than anyone….”
Jessica, the young star of this uplifting clip, clearly loves life and knows how to use her morning affirmations to start her day right.
This video is 50 seconds of pure positivity and can most definitely put a smile on your face. But most importantly of all, it shows the power of the positive spoken word, something we all need to learn from.
Her father, who uploaded the original video in 2009, captioned the video with: ‘Jessica has a day where she's feeling … really good about her life'.
Jessica is now considered a viral star, with the original video reaching over 21 Million views as of 2023. However, she has actively stayed away from the public eye since and is currently living in Los Angeles, California after graduating from Southern Methodist University in Dallas in 2019. With a double-major in business management and political science, Jess still claims to be a reasonably positive person.
“I don’t stand on the bathroom counter these days, but that video’s still a good representation of who I am!”
Jess's happiness and positivity also manifest themselves in her caring attitude; her friends call her the ‘mom' of their group due to her warm-hearted nature and daily check-ins.
When Refinery29 asked for an update on her affirmations in 2016, Jessica said,
“I like my friends and family. I like my school. I like my clothes. I like my shoes – oh no, this sounds so vapid! I like my books. I like my house. I like my sorority. I like my hair.”
“Awaken your mind for positive change, abundance and manifestion!”
Hopefully, by this point, you are feeling inspired and motivated to start, or continue, your affirmation routine. I personally recommend you spend 5 minutes in the morning repeating your favorite affirmations in a mirror.
I also think affirmation audios are great too. That's why I created my own affirmation guide and MP3 download! And I am giving it… to YOU.
No payment is needed, just the confidence to manifest your dream life!