If you are interested in meditation but you are unsure that you have time for it, take a test drive of this short but powerful 12-minute guided meditation that has been scientifically proven to benefit many areas of life.
The audio is available in the video below – just press play and begin your guided meditation.
Or click here to download your own audio direct to your computer/smartphone/tablet.
Give it a go right now and share this post and let us know how your meditation went today.
Harvard has conducted a study that proves that meditation literally rebuilds the brain’s gray matter in just 2 months!
The study was led by a team of experienced Harvard-affiliated neuroscientists based at Massachusetts General Hospital. During 8 weeks, test subjects taking part in the study practiced mindfulness meditation. By the end of the program, their MRI scans for the very first time in medical history documented that meditation does indeed change the brain’s gray matter. People who meditate every day not only feel relaxed physically but also mentally due to the psychological benefits of meditation.
$50 Discount Code: VZ54YTD6 (from the full program)