How often do you share your dreams and life goals with people? If you don't, then why? When you meet people who are extremely successful in life, one thing you may not notice is their vulnerability. Yet consider, is this a trait likely propelled by their successes?
Most people who have achieved the highest level of success not only had a clearly defined vision of what they wanted to create, but they were not afraid to share their dreams with others.
While that may sound easy to do, sharing your dreams and deepest desires with another person can be rather scary. It requires a level of vulnerability that most people are not at all comfortable with.
This level of vulnerability is what Emmy-winning broadcast journalist Joan Steffend discovered in the Effortless Success personal learning course created by Jack Canfield. As Jack encouraged Joan to share her vision for what she wanted to create in her life, Joan bravely bared her emotions, and her soul, for all to witness.
While you don’t have to open yourself up to such a large audience, I highly encourage you to follow Jack’s advice and share your dreams and desires with someone you trust.
Most people who fail to manifest their vision fail to take this important step. They fear others will laugh at them or think their vision too grandiose. Or, they feel their dreams are too personal or that they’re selfish for even holding onto them.
As Joan struggled to share her desire to feel free and comfortable in her own body, Jack helped her realize the value of being so vulnerable.
Put this process in motion right now by thinking of something you want to achieve in one area of your life. Maybe you want to change course in your career, pursue an unusual childhood dream or hobby, or find a life partner who shares your values and outlook on life.
Identify someone you can confide in. Think about what you will share, actually visualizing the conversation in your mind several times. Then contact this person, today!
As you take this important and necessary step, you will clarify your vision and fulfill your dream that much faster.