Do you find yourself wishing your work days away? Maybe you have started to hate your job and you’re not quite sure why? A toxic workplace can really affect you in a bad way and it can be very unhealthy to stay in that sort of environment.
It can be very hard to know what to do in this situation and it can also be difficult to establish whether you are just stressed out at work or if you are actually in a toxic work environment. I am going to discuss the signs of a toxic workplace so that you can see if any of these are something you may be experiencing.
As mentioned before, the solutions to your problem depend on what the problem is and how you would like to deal with it personally. However, you may not even be sure if you are in a toxic workplace or not. I am going to talk about the signs of a toxic workplace environment and how it can affect you.
When you are not appreciated or respected, it can make you feel really unimportant. This should not be the case, your opinions and ideas are just as important than anyone else's. This is also even worse when you are putting in great effort into your work. Even if your idea is not used, you should still be listened to and made to feel appreciated within the company.
When this does not happen, and your supervisors or colleagues ignore your point of view and ideas, it could cause you to stop caring about your work as much and possibly not put in as much effort as you feel unappreciated.
Know that your ideas and voice should be listened to, not ignored.
Of course, we all have our bad days where we wake up in the morning and really can’t be bothered to go to work, but we do. However, if you are constantly feeling sick and worried about going to work, chances are this is another sign of a toxic workplace. Feeling like this is not healthy and is a huge sign that something is wrong.
You may have noticed this gradually happening over time until you feel sick with worry and dread about going back to work. If you notice this happening, it may be time to take action.
If you see that people are forming cliques, like you are back at school, you are probably in a toxic workplace. An office should be a friendly, positive environment, even when people have an off day.
If every day you walk in and people are gossiping, spreading rumors or leaving others out, this is not a good sign.
It is hard to work when childish behavior such as this is happening and it can cause a hostile environment for everyone. It can also be very unhealthy if it starts to make you feel anxious or stressed.
Although there will always be some days where your workday causes you stress, if you have a complete change when it comes to your mood, this is a red flag. Family and friends could possibly notice that you are not as happy as you used to be and you may be more stressed and anxious.
Your job should be keeping you motivated and excited to learn and grow more with the company, not prevent you from being unhappy, this is extremely unhealthy.
When you feel challenged and motivated at your work you are much more likely to enjoy it and be passionate about your career.
If your boss and supervisors are not bothered about your progression or do not try and help you with developing new skill sets, you are likely to become unbothered, bored and unmotivated.
This can be very hard to deal with as you may be a career-minded person but if your management is not interested in helping you progress, you will not develop new skills or grow within the company.
Just like when your management does not help you progress, it can be just as damaging when they do not recognize your effort.
Achievements should be praised as it will keep you motivated in always trying your best.
If you achieve your goals and no one acknowledges or cares about it, you can feel really disheartened and unimportant. This can be the same when your boss only sees mistakes and not any high effort. A thank you can go a long way and can help you to feel important and valued at work.
When your workplace rules change every day, it can be very unfair and hostile. If one thing is acceptable for one member of staff, but not for another, conflicts can be caused.
A good workplace will have rules set in place and no favoritism should be present. Whilst a hierarchy may be in place, there should be equality throughout the staff. When fairness is present in a work environment it can create a positive atmosphere, with everyone on the same page and happy to comply with the rules.
If your boss picks when rules need to be obeyed and when they don’t matter, this can cause big problems in the workplace. Consistency is needed in any workplace, otherwise, it can lead to misunderstandings and lack of clarity.
When you are in a workplace that is toxic and unpleasant, it can be difficult to work out the best way to solve the situation. You also have to consider the different routes you can take, depending on the workplace.
For some people, they will want to stay at their job. In comparison, others may not be bothered about staying or leaving. Try and assess your personal situation before making a decision on which action you want to take.
Here are a few options that you could choose, depending on your current situation:
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