When you master all 7 chakras, you become increasingly able to exert influence on your mental and physical health.
The main reason why people don’t bother learning about their solar plexus chakra is that they can sound rather confusing at first.
You might not remember which names correspond to which areas, or really understand what the word “chakra” means. Some resources on chakras are so full of jargon that you might struggle to see how you can actually make use of the ideas.
The good news is that working with chakras doesn’t have to be overly complex, and it doesn’t need intense study.
Tuning into your solar plexus chakra is especially useful if you struggle with low self-esteem or feel more in control of your life.
This basic guide on how to balance your chakras will cover techniques for unblocking the solar plexus chakra. Plus, it will detail the daily exercises that use the solar plexus chakra to its full potential.
You can think of chakras as energy centers that are dispersed all throughout the body.
When they are in alignment, you feel happier and physically stronger. And when one or more is blocked, you can experience low moods or various health issues.
By developing a deeper understanding of the solar plexus chakra and learning how to unblock chakras, you cultivate your abilities to make good decisions and see things clearly. You also refine your self-concept and can boost your overall confidence.
This increase in self-esteem is useful in all chakra work, and in all areas of your existence. After all, everything in life is better if you’re able to feel good about yourself.
The solar plexus (or Manipura) chakra location is at the top of your abdomen, around the diaphragm area. You might also see it referred to as the “personal power chakra” for the reasons mentioned above.
So, any of the following types of factors can impact the solar plexus chakra, or can themselves be influenced by work on the solar plexus:
Consequently, an open solar plexus chakra will ensure you feel self-assured, certain of your own identity, and sure of what you need to do to succeed.
On the other hand, your solar plexus chakra can be blocked or knocked out of its proper alignment by anything that undermines you, by sudden changes in your life, or by difficulties associated with moving on from past mistakes.
Interestingly, chakra experts also note that you can have an overactive solar plexus chakra, leading to feelings of mania or anxiety.
Now that you understand the meaning of the solar plexus chakra, we can look at what happens during a blockage.
Here are the most commonly reported solar plexus chakra problems and symptoms that are linked to solar plexus blockages:
If you have a minor blockage, your reduced confidence or ambition might only be in one area of your life (say, work or romance). Meanwhile, a bigger blockage will be linked to universally low self-esteem and potentially even to feelings of worthlessness.
Physical symptoms caused by a blocked solar plexus chakra also include the following:
When you have a blocked solar plexus chakra, you won’t always be able to pinpoint the source of the problem. However, any time that you do find yourself with negative solar plexus symptoms, ask yourself if anything to do with purpose or confidence has been particularly difficult for you recently.
For example, perhaps someone has ridiculed you when you told them what you want to do with your life. Alternatively, maybe you regret a recent decision and are really struggling to see how you can move on in a productive way.
Once you have a better handle on exactly how you can push the solar plexus chakra back into its proper place, you’ll also become better at spotting the types of things that might block that chakra.
In time, the goal is for solar plexus chakra exercises and techniques to become almost second nature, so that you utilize them in time to prevent a significant block.
It’s a good idea to devote time to learning techniques focused on each of the 7 chakras. Each one offers its own benefits. That said, there are clear advantages to focusing merely on the solar plexus chakra, at least for a time.
When you work on creating a more positive self-image, making responsible decisions, and understanding what you want from life, good things follow!
Whether you want to find a relationship, get more job satisfaction, or broaden your social life, confidence and autonomy are necessary precursors. You will also likely experience psychological growth or a spiritual awakening, and, as a bonus, notice smoother digestion and less stomach discomfort.
Since the solar plexus chakra also has a lot to do with life purpose, working on this chakra can also reduce procrastination. Similarly, it can help you ensure you’re using your time to create a better future for yourself. We’ll turn now to look at four specific ways in which you can unblock your solar plexus chakra. Remember to consider how you can integrate these techniques into your everyday life.
As you probably know, all stones and crystals have ancient meanings and associations. As such, it’s unsurprising that there are stones allocated to each chakra.
You can use these stones in a variety of ways when opening chakras. You might wear solar plexus chakra jewelry, hold a stone in the palm of your hand when meditating, or simply carry one in your pocket to help keep your solar plexus in alignment.
Here are the stones most frequently associated with solar plexus chakra healing:
Solar plexus chakra meditation techniques for beginners are easy to do if you have a basic grounding in more general meditation practice.
They begin with several minutes of deep breathing, and then once you’re suitably relaxed and focused you can move onto a visualization stage that helps you access the solar plexus chakra:
You can also add yoga poses to your day if you want to align or unblocked the solar plexus chakra. Experts on chakra work typically encourage all forms of yoga, but particular exercises are more influential on the position of the solar plexus chakra.
For example, try the child’s pose, which also offers the advantage of being very soothing:
Just as your diet influences your general health, so too does it impact on the seven major energy centers in your body. Consequently, one of the easiest ways to make a difference to chakra alignment is to tweak your diet so that it nurtures (rather than blocks) the chakras.
Increasing fiber intake, cutting back on sugar and reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet are all great for your chakras. However, there are also particular chakra foods that target the solar plexus and can speed up solar plexus chakra healing:
Most affirmations are intended to help you boost your self-esteem. So, in that sense, almost any positive affirmation can reduce blockages in your solar plexus area. However, you can design specific phrases that speak directly to the solar plexus chakra. These can help to tackle underlying issues of low confidence or lack of purpose.
Try one or more of the following:
Remember that you can be as creative as you like when it comes to affirming. Change, remove and add words as you see fit.
In addition, try putting your hand on the area of your solar plexus as you say your chakra-aligning affirmation.