As you probably know, learning how to unblock chakras is said to help improve your mental and physical health.
However, where are you supposed to start when you barely know what a chakra is, or how to locate one in your body? You might just feel too intimidated to try and learn anything more, leaving your throat chakra to the experts.
In truth, anyone can develop the skills required to work with the 7 chakras, but it’s smart to start with just one. And if you’re going through a period where you want to improve your ability to communicate, there’s no better choice than the throat chakra.
Whether you struggle to articulate your true feelings, can’t identify your own needs, or never feel understood, you likely have a throat chakra blockage.
This straightforward guide will help you learn the key facts about the throat chakra, disseminating the basic principles of throat chakra healing.
Firstly, as any beginner's guide to chakras will explain, everyone has a set of seven chakras.
These are your most potent energy centers, distributed evenly throughout your body from your head to the bottom of your spine.
If everything in your life is going well, all of these chakras will be aligned and in harmony. You’ll be happy, healthy, and at peace.
In contrast, a blockage in one or more of the chakras can make you feel profoundly unsettled.
So, now that you know the answer to the question “What is a chakra?”, we can move on to explore the impact of the throat chakra in particular.
Often called the Vishuddha, this chakra rests in the middle of your neck, right at the throat. It is intimately connected to all your self-expression, so it affects (and is affected by) everything to do with communication.
The throat chakra can impact all of the following:
In other words, when your throat chakra is open, you’ll be great at making yourself understood. You’ll be able to say what you really want to say, but with tact. You’ll know what you need, and be able to state that out loud in a way that gets people to listen. This type of alignment in the throat chakra has a wonderful influence on both your personal and professional lives, as good communication is vital in all significant relationships.
When the throat chakra is disturbed, blocked throat chakra symptoms begin to emerge. This can happen any time you find it difficult to communicate with others, or anytime someone makes you feel like they’re not listening to you.
It’s normal to have throat chakra problems every now and again. Even when you become an expert at knowing how to balance your chakras, you’ll still experience blockages sometimes.
In each case, however, you’ll experience telltale throat chakra symptoms that let you know it’s time to deploy your most effective throat chakra healing exercises.
In particular, look out for the following:
Meanwhile, physical problems caused by a misaligned throat chakra can include one or more of the following:
All chakras can develop minor blockages that are hard to understand, so don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t always identify the source. That being said, it’s worth knowing some of the classic triggers for a blocked throat chakra.
The main examples revolve around painful experiences of communication. For example, your throat chakra can be pushed out of alignment by a cruel, negative appraisal at work, or by harsh words said in an argument. You are also more likely to develop this sort of blockage if you were raised to keep your feelings to yourself.
Healing chakras can sound complicated and unlikely, and you might think it will take a long time before you can begin properly opening chakras to treat blockages. The good news is that chakra exercises are nowhere near as obscure as you might suppose. You can learn them very quickly, and they are not any less powerful for their simplicity.
Anytime you work on aligning your chakras, you maximize your chances of creating a happy, well-balanced life. With respect to throat chakra healing, in particular, the throat chakra’s meaning can mean you may quickly find that you see improvements in communication in a wide range of areas. This can be freeing and empowering, helping you to live a more authentic life.
It can also end periods of dissatisfaction in relationships or in the workplace, finally letting you find the words to say what you really feel and think. We’ll explore four especially powerful approaches to opening the throat chakra. All are appropriate for beginners and experts alike.
Since the chakra colors test tells us that the throat chakra is connected to the color blue.
So, any blue jewelry or stones can help you work with this chakra. The idea here is very simple. All you need to do is wear throat chakra stones, or even carry these chakra stones around in your bag.
This straightforward act will keep you mindful of the throat chakra and can help to heal it. As you will see in exercise 2, you can also perform a chakra meditation with the aid of stones.
Here are the most popular crystal healing stones, along with their specific meanings:
Anyone can pick up chakra meditation techniques for beginners. This means that if you have never tried meditating before, you’ll still have no problem. Ideally, you should do your throat healing meditation once a day for at least 10 minutes, but you may see improvements even if you only practice a few times a week.
Here’s what to do:
Meanwhile, some of the best throat chakra poses include the baby cobra pose, shoulder stand, and supported fish pose. You can find easy demonstrations of all of these online.
These are some chakra foods that promote overall openness and balance. You can help your 7 chakras with these foods even if you don’t yet know much about the specific functions of the other chakras. As a bonus, these foods are very much in line with overall healthy eating.
Think of whole-grain foods like brown rice, along with reducing overall sugar intake. However, there are also more precise dietary changes you can make to target specific chakras.
Here are some of the popular throat chakra healing foods:
Any time you say an affirmation that feels honest and accurate, you’re promoting a healthy throat chakra.
This means that you don’t really have to go out of your way to generate throat chakra affirmations. Simply sticking to a daily affirmation practice will go a long way.
That being said, chakra healing practitioners do advise that you also consider adding targeted throat chakra affirmations to your list. Here are some useful ones to consider:
When you say these affirmations, do so into a mirror and watch your lips move as you do so.
This strengthens the impact your words can have on your throat chakra, emphasizing their connection to communication.
Continue your Chakra journey! Read the next article and learn all about your Third Eye Chakra (and how to balance your sixth chakra!)…