What do you need to make your dreams come true? Probably knowing exactly what they are would be a good starting point, right? Let me help you get very clear on that right now.
As you probably know, many people fail to set goals altogether, and plenty of those who do set goals don’t formulate them effectively and fail to review them at regular intervals.
This problematic approach could be the one thing holding you back when you’re working with the Law of Attraction. This may be why you struggle to become one of those successful people who have it all.
If you don’t know what you truly want or know how to express it in the form of clear goals, you’re unlikely to achieve the life changes you crave.
This simple guide will help you understand the key factors that allow you to set goals in the most effective way, and give you a better sense of what you’re really trying to attract.
Let me explain how to master the goal-setting process.
One of the major reasons why goal setting is so important to the Law of Attraction is that setting goals aligns your energy with your desires, giving you a type of focus that is otherwise lacking.
Although we’ll shortly explore fine-grained strategies that enhance your goal-setting abilities, it’s important to be familiar with the three basic steps of the process:
While you might think these steps sound so simple that it’s impossible to get things wrong, you’d be surprised by how many mistakes you might be making at all three stages.
Let’s now take a deeper look at the setting, expressing and reviewing goals in ways that enhance your use of the Law of Attraction.
At step one, when you’re setting a goal, it’s so important that you take time to truly connect with your most authentic desires.
For example, if you ask an average person what they want from life, they might fire off a shallow list without really reflecting; often, this list will just reflect fleeting desires or things that are “safe” to say (such as wanting their boss to cut them a break or wanting a vacation).
To discover what you want in your heart of hearts, you need time for careful reflection and you need to be brave enough to confront some of the desires you repress.
If, say, you desperately want to change careers, this might be something you hide from yourself due to fear of failure.
Set all of your assumptions about the possibility and anxiety aside, and ask yourself this question: “If I could have anything, right now, what would it be?”
When you start to find the answer, let yourself picture it. Imagine how it would feel to have that thing (whether it’s a great relationship, more money, a dream job, or a fresh start in a new place), and let yourself believe it really is possible to achieve that goal.
When you train your mind to focus on how amazing it would be to have what you want, you turn your attention away from the negative feelings associated with not having that thing.
Consequently, you create powerful reserves of positive energy that will take you towards your goal.
Once you have a vision of what you actually want to achieve, it’s time to do two things that fine-tune the goal-setting journey. The first is to build a deeper, more vivid picture of your goal so that you can use this as the cornerstone of your creative visualization process.
Meanwhile, the second is to find the perfect words to express your goal in writing, so that you can create reminders and design affirmations that help you to manifest your goal.
To enhance your ability to visualize your goal, you’ll have to use all of your senses. So, don’t just see a picture of yourself in your new place of work or wearing a gorgeous outfit after losing weight; hear, smell, touch and taste what it’s like to have achieved your goal.
Spend at least 10-15 minutes a day on your visualization. In addition, find visual ways to represent the goal in your environment.
Some people create “dream board” collages of images that connect them with the thing they want, while others prefer to collect objects and pictures in a special box that can be used to prompt reflection once a day.
To fine-tune how you express your goal, experiment with lots of different wordings. For example, just take half an hour and write down as many ways of expressing your goal as possible.
Then, look at them all and narrow them down to, say, 5 or 10 that really resonate with you, sparking feelings of excitement and inspiration.
To choose the one main way you’ll express your goal, also think about which phrase is the most positive, specific, confident, and realistic; and consider phrasing it in the present tense. For example, “I have a trustworthy, loving partner” is much better than “I’m going to stop dating people who treat me badly” or “I hope to find love.”
While visualizations and powerful affirmations can be practiced every day, if you review your progress towards your goal too often you may get a false sense of failure. For example, stepping on the scales three times a day isn’t a good way to review weight loss as just weighing yourself once a week.
However, don’t fall into the trap of reviewing too infrequently; once every six months is not often enough for most goals.
Each time you review, write down concrete things you have accomplished that bring you closer to your goal and remember that small things count. Brainstorm some new ideas that will help you take more steps in the coming days or weeks.
If you have a sense that you’re not moving towards your goals, don’t beat yourself up; instead, use this as an opportunity to make new discoveries about what might be holding you back. Do you have negative underlying assumptions, or are you struggling with low confidence?
Take steps to address these blocks, using Law of Attraction techniques like flipping negatives into positives, discovering the course of your critical internal voice, and keeping a gratitude or positivity journal.
If you set specific goals, vividly visualize them on a daily basis and practice careful self-monitoring to keep your mind on a positive track, you’ll be well on your road to success!
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