Our levels of motivation can often seem as unpredictable as the English sunshine; it can be non-existent for weeks, then out of the blue the clouds part and it arrives unannounced.
Staying motivated can indeed be a struggle, but rather than relying on the occasional bursts of unexpected motivation, how can we maintain our motivational drive to ensure that it is there when we need it most? The ability to stay motivated for long periods of time can mean the difference between living a life of mediocrity and one of incredible success. Self-motivation provides us with the ability to keep moving forward, regardless of the failures or disappointments that life throws at us.
So, why is it so hard to stay motivated?
Rather than focusing on the strengths and abilities that they are able to bring to a task, too many people make the mistake of focusing on their shortcomings and the obstacles that stand in their way. They reason that if they do not already have the life that they want, they themselves are to blame.
So, rather than dwell on how far it is that you have left to go, why not remind yourself of just how far you have come? Pull yourself out of your slump with gratitude. Do this and you should begin to feel in awe of how successful and competent you have already proven yourself to be.
We are often our own worst enemies when it comes to distorting the truth and telling ourselves a story based on interpretation, not facts. So, the more negatively we interpret a situation, the more our mind should look for evidence in our reality to prove that ‘story’ to be true.
Give your motivation and confidence levels a big boost by telling yourself a different, more positive story. Make a mental list of your strengths, achievements, and advantages. They should prove highly motivational and the kick-start that you need to build on your goals.
Let the end goal provide your motivation, not fear.
It would also be a good idea to seek things that motivate you, those could be books, music, stories or simply quotes to be inspired by.
When we are unclear about our goals, or the end result that we are reaching for, it can be hard to get motivated at all. So, get focused on what it is that you want most. Push your fears aside to gain a glimpse of where it is that you are headed. Do this and then you are in the powerful position of being able to plan.
When your mind is focused on a positive outcome, rather than an unclear future or fears, your brain begins to plan for success. Your need to become active in realizing your dreams and reaching this goal immediately increases. Instead of worrying about a murky, far-off future you are able to engage fully in going out and getting what it is that you want.
You have gained focus on what it is that you want, now you need to develop direction to better guide you towards achieving your goals.
Small, measurable goals that you can aim for on a day-to-day basis are ideal when you are looking to accomplish something in your life. Overwhelm and burn-out are two big enemies of self-motivation. So, you don’t want to scare yourself before you've even set off.
To keep motivation levels high, the first thing that you need to do is identify the activities that can best help you to achieve your wants. A good idea would be to write down what a successful, productive day would look like to you.
Keeping a stock of the tasks that are needed to keep you moving towards your goals, can help keep your energy levels high and well directed. If your self-motivation does begin to wane, regain direction by readdressing your plan for action. Remind yourself of the bigger, end goal. Next, pick a small task that you have down on your ‘to-do’ list. By choosing to complete one of the items from your ‘to-do’, no matter how small, you should immediately begin to feel better. In turn, this should help to reignite your motivation levels.
We will all experience days where our energies and motivation are running low. However, it’s important to take these in your stride and recognize that they are to be expected. It is knowing how to get out of these occasional slumps by silencing our negative thoughts and nurturing the motivational ones that should enable us to gain momentum when we need it most.
Finally, have fun. Being motivated and productive requires you to be relaxed and happy. So be sure to look after yourself… Before getting your Mr. Motivator on!
If you are ready to seize the day with a new-found sense of self-motivation, be sure to take into account these further concrete tips and practical techniques in my new book! You can get your FREE copy of ‘The Secret Law Of Attraction', click here now.