We all have a personal year number, which influences our life path all the way from the 1st of January to the beginning of December. Your personal year number resets every nine years, so there’s a simple way to figure it out.
Learn more about your unique number for 2021 below, so you can better plan for potential challenges and maximize your chances of creating the life you want. You can also find out more about numerology.
You’re starting a new 9-year cycle, so your desire for change may be at an all-time high. This is great news for your manifestation potential, as it means your energy is very powerful.
However, this will also likely mean stepping out of your comfort zone, so you may need to work to build your confidence this year.
Being in year 2 means you’re primed to connect with like-minded individuals and develop meaningful relationships, both platonic and romantic.
On the other hand, year 2 is also associated with difficulties accepting change, so ask yourself what you need to do to avoid holding too tightly to the past.
Journaling or therapy may be helpful here.
Starting year 3 of your cycle indicates that you’re due an interesting change in perspective, so if you’ve just started learning about the Law of Attraction then there couldn’t be a more suitable time in your life.
Creativity also tends to peak at this time.
To make the most of this, be careful to avoid the common year 3 trap of over-scheduling your life and draining resources.
Monitor your energy, and replenish it when it wanes.
Year 4 is a time for building stability, and for tending to the important things you already have. Many people also find they need (and want) to get rid of old debts in year 4, and are focused on practicalities most of the time.
Remember to take stock of what you’re grateful for every day, and don’t neglect your health as year 4 is a time to tend to the body as well.
It’s common for year 5 to come with a bit more conflict than the other years, but this doesn’t mean you’ll have a bad year.
On the contrary, it can mean breaking free of old restrictions and changing in wonderful new ways.
This year is all about finding out what you really want and living authentically, no matter what other people say.
When you’re true to yourself, you send out clear signals to the Universe and are more likely to get what you want.
As you move into year 6, a family may be on your mind. For some, this is about a decision to have children, for others it’s about becoming closer to the wider family, and for yet more it’s about the family you’ve made for yourself (e.g. your closest friends).
Perform an inventory of relationships and consider ending those that are toxic or unsupportive.
The people around you have a huge impact on your vibration, and therefore your manifestation.
This is a year of intense inner development, increased intuitions, and concentration.
You are in a great place to manifest whatever you desire, and you’ll easily spot signs from the Universe that point you in the right direction.
Just be mindful of the fact that year 7 also traditionally dishes out surprises, and trust you can handle whatever comes your way.
The penultimate year in each cycle, year 8 tends to show you the fruits of your labors and prove all of your past efforts have been worthwhile.
You may also be feeling more self-confident than ever, so this is a great time to take the plunge if you’ve been ruminating over a decision for a while.
However, be wary of being aggressive, which can be tempting around this time.
Finally, year 9 is the natural end of a cycle, so there should be burgeoning feelings of completion.
This can come with mixed feelings, ranging from euphoric highs to a sense of grief associated with loss of the past.
Think about where your life is heading and what you want to manifest next, and start laying the groundwork for your next 9-year cycle.