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Why Hasn’t Anyone Used The Law Of Attraction To Win The Lottery?


A popular question commonly asked about the Law of Attraction (together with ‘Is It Really Possible To Manifest Money?’), is ‘why doesn’t everybody just use it to win the lottery?’ Or even ‘Can I use the Law of Attraction to win the lottery?’

To make it clear: you can manifest absolutely anything that you want using the Law of Attraction. Yes, anything. So technically, using the Law of Attraction to win the lottery is a very real possibility. Therefore the question that you should perhaps be asking yourself is why is it so difficult for anybody to succeed in doing so?

Why You’ve Not Won The Lottery… Yet!

Perhaps you yourself have attempted to use the universal power of the Law of Attraction to manifest a big lottery win? You may have had previous manifesting successes in the past and tried the same ‘fail-safe’ manifesting techniques that you have come to rely on over the years. This may include creating dream boards, keeping gratitude journals, meditating on a particular sum of money, and visualizing your goals?

However, you have probably found that despite doing all of these things, you are still yet to have that one big win!

Here’s why:

1. You don’t really believe that you can win the lottery


Come on, admit it, you don’t really. If most people were truly honest with themselves, they would admit that they aren't quite as confident about their chances of winning as they might try and make out.

For many, the lottery can be a great cause of internal conflict. And it is this kind of conflict that stands in the way of successful manifesting.

  • ‘Winning the lottery is a one in a million chance’
  • ‘Winning the lotto is something that happens to other people, never me’
  • ‘I’ll give it a shot – but I might as well be throwing my money away!’

Are these thoughts recognizable to you? If so then you already have your answer to why you have never won the lottery. You are doing the right things – buying a ticket, focusing your energies on a sum – but your thoughts and beliefs are completely contradicting your actions.

2. You want it too badly

When we fill ourselves with emotions of wanting, lack or need we are telling ourselves that we are unable to have whatever it is that we want most. When we feel this way about something, we are not aligning our emotions and energies with what we want – sabotaging our chances of manifesting it.

The universe can only respond to and expand on what you are putting out there. So, put out energies of want and lacking and this is exactly what you will attract more of. Where your thoughts and emotions go, your physical life follows. Therefore your likelihood of you winning the lottery lies in your answer to the following question ‘Do you already feel as though you have won the lottery?’ If your answer is no, then you are not in alignment with your goals.

3. You unknowingly associate the idea of winning the lottery with negativity

When you think about winning the lottery, what are your immediate thought processes?

Sometimes, what begins as an enjoyable and innocent daydream about winning the lottery and the wealth it will bring you, can suddenly turn into a whole world of stress. You begin to stress about amounts – how much would you need to give to charity and to which charities would you donate? How would you share the dollars amongst your family? Will you lose certain friends or contacts as a result of jealousy or bitterness? Before you know it, your harmless imaginings have become bogged down in worry and anxiety.

Furthermore, do you ever talk about or think about the many horror stories that you hear about certain lottery winners? Do you ever remind yourself of past winners that were known to suffer a string of misfortunes after their big win? These are thoughts that we can all unknowingly let in, thoughts and instilled beliefs that can negatively impact on the energies that we associate with the lottery.

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Win The Lottery Or Get Rich? Which Are You Hoping For?

Ask yourself: are you looking to win the lottery or are you just looking for any way to get rich? With so many contradictions and negativity associated with the lottery in people’s minds, it can be easy to see why winning the lottery seems such a difficult feat to achieve.


If a financially successful future is what you are hoping for, then why not take the easy route and try to manifest wealth in a way that is more believable and feels much better to you.

The key to successful manifesting is to make natural to you what you want to come naturally. So, if income is what you want to attract more of into your life, then you need to begin living the wealthy life that you want starting now.

To match the frequency of your financial needs, you need to become that frequency. Be grateful for the wealth already in your life, look for evidence of abundance everywhere, feel excited about it and know that wealth is flowing into your life continually in a whole manner of ways!

Aligning yourself with a need for lifelong wealth, rather than a once-in-a-lifetime jackpot win is not only the best way to raise your financial frequency for the long run but will help to cast a wider net over the ways in which money can manifest in your life.

Why limit yourself to wealth through only one means? By focusing on the lottery alone, you may be unknowingly preventing wealth from manifesting for you in other forms, as you are telling the universe that you are only interested in money from a lotto win.

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

So, can you use the Law of Attraction to win the lottery? The answer is YES, of course! But is that the best option available to you – no.

Go easier on yourself; take the slow and steady route. The results will be far more astounding and maintainable! Think, act and feel as though your goals have already manifested for you. Keep the bigger, more beautiful end picture in mind and abundance will begin to pour into your life in many exciting and unexpected ways.

The journey should always be every bit as beautiful as the destination; so take your time, relax and become the beacon of positivity that you know you can be.

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Katherine Hurst
By Katherine Hurst
Katherine Hurst, is a Law of Attraction expert, best-selling author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on psychology, life design, structured thinking and emotional wellbeing.

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