Whether it’s keeping a journal, saying specific affirmations or doing a focused meditation journey, you may have heard of people doing daily gratitude exercises.
Perhaps you’ve wondered why they’re doing this, questioned how it gels with Law of Attraction work more broadly construed. Or maybe you've even assumed that you don’t need to do these sorts of exercises because you’re already an incredibly positive person.
As it turns out, there are good reasons to suppose that everyone should be doing daily gratitude exercises.
There are dozens of factors that play a role in determining how successful your Law of Attraction work will be. Your vibration is influenced by virtually everything that happens in your life.
However, practicing gratitude exercises is one of the main things you can do to keep your vibration high and to align it with abundance rather than lack.
Why is that?
Well, if you’re not tuned into the idea of being grateful, it’s easy to get sucked into focusing on disappointment, fear, and sources of dissatisfaction.
In contrast, those who spend time nourishing and cultivating gratitude have a more positive, optimistic mentality by default, and it’s this positivity that tells the universe you’re ready for more good things in your life.
Yes, you may already be a fairly positive person. But there’s really no upper limit on the height of your vibrational frequency… So why not add daily gratitude exercises to your life in order to boost your manifestation potential just that little bit more?
If you’re trying to get a handle on how daily gratitude exercises can help you in your Law of Attraction work, it’s often helpful to look at a specific, concrete example.
Suppose that you’re currently wanting to manifest abundance. You’re often thinking about how much you yearn for more money. If you add gratitude exercises to your days, you can train yourself to stop thinking so much about how you wish you had more money and start thinking more about how glad you are to have enough money to ensure a roof over your head, enough food to eat, and so on. Not only does this improve your mood, but it brings your being into close alignment with the notion of abundance.
Before you know it, more money could start to come your way. This is because gratitude creates preconditions for receiving more of the same.
Firstly, doing gratitude exercises on a daily basis starts to make gratitude an established habit. So, your thoughts and feelings will begin to naturally veer in that direction at other times in the day (without needing prompting). This keeps you away from thinking about lack, disappointment and other negative topics that only keep you apart from the things you desperately want to manifest.
Beyond making a gratitude exercise a daily habit, you have the freedom to structure this habit in any way that feels right and best serves your ends.