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Learn How To Swap Your ‘Fat’ Thoughts For ‘Thin’ Ones


If you had to say what you were most grateful for in life, what would you say? Would you say your friends? Your family? Or your house? Maybe even your job?

For the majority of us, our answer would perhaps be any of the above. However, one thing that many of us would never think to be grateful for is our body.

When we consider how much our bodies actually do for us; their strength, their flexibility, their healing abilities… the lack of gratitude and love that we show for our bodies is actually deeply disturbing.

Our bodies are continually performing miracles on a daily basis; they are the one thing that we are born into this world with.

So why so much hate? It is not uncommon for people to take their bodies and their miraculous capabilities for granted. However, this is a relatively small problem compared to the hate or even disgust that some people feel toward their bodies on a daily basis.

How To Manifest Weight Loss Or Your Ideal Body

In a modern society where so much emphasis is placed on our external appearance. It is no wonder that some people become consumed with hatred for what they see in the mirror and hold onto an unrealistic perception of how they think they should look.

A common complaint amongst those who are looking to lose weight is often heard repeating the same things ‘I hate my bum/stomach/legs…I put weight on so easily…It’s impossible to lose weight'. And herein lays the problem!

As we are already aware, the Law Of Attraction is always working to expand on our thoughts and bring them into manifestation in greater abundance.

Therefore, when you are thinking these ‘fat’ thoughts the universe is simply supplying you with more of what it thinks you want. As the universe ‘expands’ your thoughts, so does your waistline! The answer is meditation.

Remember, the Law Of Attraction is a universal law and therefore perfect. You do not need to find a way around the law or cunning means to trick it; you simply need to remember that your thoughts equal things.

Learn how to ask for your perfect body and have faith in the universe to provide you with what you ask for. Then, half of the battle has already been won. So scrap the diets and read on for the first step in learning how to ditch those ‘fat thoughts’ and obtain your perfect body, without having to starve yourself!

1. Meditate

There are countless benefits to be had from meditation; many of which are extremely effective in aiding weight loss.

A regular meditation practice can not only teach you how to calm the mind in order to relax the body but can also be effective for helping you to better visualize your goals, helping you to fuel your vision for health with positive energies.

Whatever you're able to see and hold onto in the mind's eye, you can manifest into your physical reality. So, use meditation to create a strong visual image of your future healthier and happier self.

Let this vision be the anchor that keeps you committed and driven in your quest for absolute love and body acceptance.

2. Get Chummy With Your Tummy

Are you tired of continually resisting your weight and your body? Instead of waging a constant war with your body, why not offer it up a white flag of surrender and learn to be friends with your body once again.

When you really stop and think about it, your body does so much for you; from your vastly intricate nervous system to the steady flow of blood coursing from your heart right down to the very tips of your toes … you should stop seeing your body as the enemy and start seeing it for what it really is: a miraculous creation!

3. Say ‘Thank You!’

Gratitude has a vital part to play in being happy. Therefore, being thankful for your body and everything that it does for you may seem like a small step but it can prove a massive leap in improving self-esteem and aiding weight loss. Whether it's gratitude for the legs that take you places, the lungs that allow you to keep living, or your eyes that enable you to see the faces of those that you love – try saying ‘thank you’ once in a while and things may begin to not look so bad after all.

4. Love It To Lose It

Finally, the only way you are going to begin taking your first steps towards weight loss is by learning to love what you have already got. This may sound like a cliché, but the more you resist your weight and focus solely on all of the fat that you see in the mirror, the stronger the negative frequencies will be that you are unknowingly sending off to the universe. And the universe will respond to these thoughts in the only way it knows how – by manifesting these thoughts for you is two-fold.

Start Loving What You See In The Mirror

It can be hard to start your journey with self-love and acceptance. If you are treating your body badly you may have low self-confidence, which is why it may be hard to keep being motivated to lose weight.

Take a look at this self-hypnosis program on weight loss today and start seeing how confident you can be. You can start loving your body and get passionate about your health and fitness, which will be helping not only your body but also your mind!

Click here to get the Weight-loss Hypnosis program today.


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Katherine Hurst
By Katherine Hurst
Katherine Hurst, is a Law of Attraction expert, best-selling author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on psychology, life design, structured thinking and emotional wellbeing.

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