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8 Things To Consider When Taking Big Risks In Life


If you’re trying to manifest something that involves a major change in your life, there’s probably at least some part of you that worries about taking big risks. After all, it can be scary to step into the unknown. And if you set your sights high, it’s tough not to fear failure.

However, there are certain things you can do to stay smart while taking big risks in life. Keep the following eight tips in mind… Whether you’re taking risks on your Law of Attraction journey or doing something else entirely.

Taking Big Risks In Life? Consider These Things First…

1. Accept And Embrace The Idea Of Setbacks In Life

Regarding that paralyzing fear of failure, the first thing you need to do when you take a big life risk is accepted that everything may not turn out exactly as you planned… And that’s okay! Have a backup plan for what you’ll do if various obstacles arise.

Also, know that as long as you draw an important lesson from each perceived failure then you’ll still benefit from the experience.

Sometimes the Universe needs you to stumble a few times in order to attain the skill set for future success.

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2. Get The Facts

What are the most intimidating things about the big risk you’re about to take? Once you’ve figured this out, do as much research as you can in order to better insulate yourself from negative outcomes.

For example, if you’re trying to create a brand-new business, look into the competing businesses already out there and ensure that you’ll be offering something different.

Meanwhile, if you’re looking for love and you’re daunted by the possibility of bad dates, read some books or articles on body language, bonding with people, and using social psychology to your advantage.

3. Stay Sober

It can be tempting to gain some Dutch courage before taking major life risks. However, the truth is that you need to stay sober when you’re making huge changes.

That’s not to say you need to swear off alcohol until you reach your major goal! But rather than you shouldn’t take action on any significant parts of your plan when you’re under the influence.

If you come to a fork in the road while you’re drunk and there’s pressure to make a choice, sleep on it and decide in the light of day.

4. Take Risks For Yourself

If there’s pressure from your family or wider social circle to do a particular thing, you might want to take a big risk if it means you’ll get interested and approval.

However, try to resist this urge. Significant risks should only be undertaken if they’re in your best interests and definitely align with your dreams for the future. You’re less likely to manifest a positive outcome if you aren’t truly vibrationally aligned with your “goal”. Plus, ask yourself whether the people who are applying pressure would really come to your aid if you got into difficulty as a result of risk-taking.

Plus, ask yourself whether the people who are applying pressure would really come to your aid if you got into difficulty as a result of risk-taking.

5. Tune Into Your Gut

All major Law of Attraction guides notes the importance of trusting your intuition and developing this faculty so that you are able to pick up helpful cues and signposts from the universe. This is a particularly important piece of advice when it comes to risk-taking. If you’re on the fence about something and you just have a feeling that it’s right, take a deep breath and act.

Meanwhile, if there’s a nagging sense that something isn’t right, trust that feeling and save the risk-taking for another day.

6. Make Sure Risks Are Worthwhile

Sometimes, you might prepare yourself to take big risks as part of your Law of Attraction journey and then be so committed to this bravery that you end up taking risks you don’t really need to.

For example, let's return to the case above… It can be scary to put yourself out there to find love, but just because you’ve decided to do this doesn’t mean you have to go on every possible blind date and go home with everyone who asks.

In sum, even though you’re committed to taking leaps of faith as part of your manifestation process, do take the time to weigh each individual risk on its own merits.

7. Know When To Change Course

We don’t always set the right Law of Attraction goal the first time. It’s important that you avoid simply sticking to your first goal just because you’ve invested time and effort.

Regularly consider the life-changing risks you’re taking to see if you still feel genuinely positive about the end product.

Just know when it’s time to quit, regroup and start on a new path.

8. Don’t Be Afraid

Finally, it’s only by being willing to take risks that you invite anything inspiring and exciting to happen in your life.

Try to keep that in mind whenever nerves threaten to overcome you. You could live a life with risk, but you’d never end up manifesting the things you desire most of all. In some ways, that’s no life at all!

Alternatively, find out what is holding you back from taking these big risks. Take our free 60-second quiz now.

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Katherine Hurst
By Katherine Hurst
Katherine Hurst, is a Law of Attraction expert, best-selling author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on psychology, life design, structured thinking and emotional wellbeing.

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