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This Ancient Hawaiian Huna Philosophy Will Change Your Life

A transformative watercolor painting of a woman engrossed with contemplation, offering glimpses into the profound Ancient Hawaiian Huna philosophy.

This ancient Hawaiian Huna philosophy is over 3000 years old, and part of one of the world’s oldest and most deeply spiritual cultures.

The word “Kahuna” means “secret”, and the 7 principles of Huna philosophy is based on the idea that we all collaborate with the universe to create our own reality; through our unique structure of beliefs, our thoughts, our emotions and the way we interpret events around us.

Mastering the skills associated with Huna allows you to manifest your own reality consciously. So, it stands to reason that these techniques can enhance your understanding and use of the Law of Attraction and your manifestations.

In this article, I want to show you how much you can learn from a different source. This source is the ancient Kahuna (sometimes called “Huna”) philosophy of Polynesia and Hawaii.

Just to be clear: it's not a religion that you have to join. It is just a collection of principles of life. Principles that help people to experience life to a much deeper and fulfilling level. Read on, and you will be amazed at how very practical it is.

Here are the key facts you need to know.

What Is The Kahuna Philosophy?

Over 3000 years old, the Kahuna philosophy is part of one of the world’s oldest and most deeply spiritual cultures. The word “Kahuna” means “secret”, and the entire philosophy is based around the idea that we all collaborate with the universe create our own reality; through our unique structure of beliefs, our thoughts, our emotions and the way we interpret events around us.

Mastering the skills associated with Huna allows you to create your own reality consciously. So, it stands to reason that these very same techniques can enhance your understanding and use of the Law of Attraction.

The 7 Huna Principles

Leading Kahuna expert Dr. King has recently distilled the philosophy into easily explicable principles that you can use in everyday life as you work to manifest the things you desire.

There are 7 of them:

1. The First Huna Principle: The World Is What You Think It Is

So, everything you do influences your personal experience of reality and literally shapes the world around you. If you live a life of fear and doubt, then you create a reality of fear and doubt.

Meanwhile, if your beliefs and emotions are focused on joy and curiosity, you shape your world in a much more positive and gratifying way.

2. The Second Huna Principle: There Are No Limits

The truth is that there are no real boundaries anywhere. There are no boundaries between you and your body, or you and others, or you and the universe.

We think about the world in terms of separations, but the nature of energy means that there’s a certain sense in which we’re all interconnected and all one. When you learn to think about things in this way, the idea of manifesting what you want through thought and feeling starts to make a lot more sense.

3. The Third Huna Principle: Energy Flows In The Direction Of Attention

You have an incredible power to direct energy. However, be careful where you’re directing it. If you’re paying attention to negative thoughts and feelings, this not only creates a less pleasant reality but can also do so at a very fast rate.

Conversely, if you can direct energy towards things that excite you and make you feel good, you’ll lend a lot more power to your intentions.

4. The Fourth Huna Principle: Now Is The Moment Of Power

Living in (and fully connecting with) the present is the best way to create a wonderful existence.

It’s important to see that the past cannot hold you back if you don’t let it. Plus, it's vital to realize that are not bound by the image of bad things that could happen.

Seize the day!

Start working right now to change the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from designing the ideal future.

5. The Fifth Huna Principle: To Love Is To Be Happy

Everything in the universe is here because of love. This includes us, even when we don’t feel like love is what is powering or sustaining us.

In Huna philosophy, love is what creates happiness. Nurturing and paying attention to feelings of love will allow you to vibrate at a higher frequency, while can in turn dramatically enhance your ability to manifest what you want.

6. The Sixth Huna Principle: All Love Comes From Within

You don’t need to look to external sources to find love. In this way, you can actively channel its power without any help at all. You are an active channel for the universe, and the sooner you truly realize this the sooner you can use that power to its full potential.

7. The Seventh Huna Principle: Effectiveness Is The Guide To Truth

Huna philosophy assumes that there is no absolute, objective truth. Instead, the truth is subjective and relative. Truth must be effective or convenient for you.

Essentially, the key piece of wisdom here is that no matter what schools, belief systems or philosophies you’re drawing from, you should feel totally free to use what works. Discard the rest, and create a system of truths that are right for you.

Ancient Huna Symbol

Ancient Hawaiian shamans used Huna symbols to evoke energy. There were 36 of them discovered in a series of manuscripts.

According to the legend, this Huna symbol radiates energy and light. It helps create happiness and abundance.

The circles in the symbol represent unconditional love and the lines show divine power. The symbol is said to be a source of blessing for whatever location it is in or whoever is looking at it.

Kahuna Visualization

Huna philosophy also involves using a visualization technique sometimes called Ho’ Ano (“Making the Seed”), and the principle is very similar to what you’ll already have practiced for your Law of Attraction work.

Not only has Kahuna influenced Law of Attraction techniques, but it’s also thought to be the route of modern therapeutic reprogramming techniques.

You should form a vivid picture of what you want, painting a beautiful image of the life you want to create (a “seed picture”), and feel what you know what you will feel when you’ve manifested successfully.

This process helps you harness the power to bring your ideal reality to fruition.

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Free ebook reveals little-known, powerful “ancient” technique for identifying and clearing limiting beliefs helping you to break through to your best self (taking you to a higher place of consciousness).

Table Of Contents

Katherine Hurst
By Katherine Hurst
Katherine Hurst, is a Law of Attraction expert, best-selling author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on psychology, life design, structured thinking and emotional wellbeing.

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