We often talk about carrying negative energy or about feeling it in a particular place. Most of us also have an intuitive sense that this kind of negative energy is powerful enough to hold us back from what we want to do and who we want to be. However, it's less common to know what to do about this build-up of negativity, or to have a good understanding of where it comes from. For example, do you know how to cleanse negative energy from a person, or how to cleanse a house of negative energy?
We’ll offer a step-by-step guide to how to get rid of negative energy attached to you or to your home, suggesting ways in which you can customize this ritual to suit your goals or your current challenges. As it turns out, there are straightforward and effective ways to banish negative energy, and learning the right rituals could change your life.
Negative energy can manifest in a range of different ways, but there are certain common themes that almost always emerge.
In particular, look out for the following:
Now that you know the major warning signs that negative energy is building up, what should you do about it?
As well as addressing any underlying problems with your physical or mental health, try the following cleansing ritual. It is a simple, highly practical effective way of addressing persistent negative energy. It requires minimal preparation, and it can be performed as many times as you think you need to repeat it.
In addition, note that although this a cleansing ritual for self, it can also be easily adapted to focus on your desire to cleanse a house or a relationship.
Cleansing rituals universally require the right kinds of surroundings, even if you don't think that your house contains a buildup of negative energy.
Further, you need to be in the right kind of mental space to do a cleansing ritual. In this way, you can never dedicate too much time to prepare.
Here are some tips that will help you to get the most out of the cleansing ritual you perform:
Whenever someone asks how to get rid of bad energy in a person, the most important thing to tell them is that they need to identify the negativity. To do so, focus on that core feeling that tells you something is wrong.
Ask yourself the following:
It may be helpful to make notes after you reflect. After all, you might need to look at the information on a page in order to build a coherent picture of what's going on.
You may find that the negativity has multiple sources, such as specific incidents, negative people, or negative places (including your home, or specific rooms in your home). It's important to focus on doing a cleansing ritual related to one of these sources at a time. Therefore, choose the one that feels most urgent.
As you work out how to remove negative energy from mind and body, it helps to locate where it sits inside you. How does it feel? Is it associated with a particularly strong sensation in one part of your body, such as your throat or chest?
Ask yourself how this feeling affects you, and write all of this information down. You can note this in a purely factual way. Alternatively, you could depict it in the form of a mind map, or write a creative piece that reflects your experiences.
If it feels more natural, you can draw or paint your image of where the negativity is located and how it impacts on you. The important thing here is just that you channel your focus; really sharpen your concept of the negativity and make it clear. Without this clarity, you cannot get a firm enough grip on the negativity to discharge it properly.
Finally, the most pivotal part of learning how to get rid of negative energy in your body is learning how to let it leave your body. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and visualize the process of letting go. Imagine how you would feel without this toxic sensation in your body, and then picture it leaving you. Some people imagine it as a shadow darkness that leaves them. Alternatively, may you see yourself putting the negativity into a box or throwing it over a cliff. Others imagine a golden glow that begins to surround them (signifying cleansing and purity of spirit).
This cleansing ritual can provide an even deeper sense of closure and rejuvenation if you destroy the price of paper from the above step, either ripping it up or setting it on fire. When you banish negative energy, you should feel a palpable internal shift. This will tell you that the ritual has been successful.
Now that you have a good grasp of one powerful cleansing ritual for negative energy, why stop there?
It's one thing to remove negative energy at a specific time or in a specific place, but it's quite another to remove it from your life altogether. Just think of what you could achieve! With world-renowned Law of Attraction expert Joe Vitale's book on how to use the ancient Ho'oponopono method, you'll learn how to clear negatively out of your life entirely, creating space for entirely new levels of joy, success, and fulfillment.
Filled with clear explanations, concrete practical exercises and definitive answers to your questions, this free e-book will help you uncover the potential of your true self. If you want to move on from the baggage of the past and imbue yourself with the kind of positivity that can change your life, this is an ideal place to start making those changes.