“Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours.” – C. S. Lewis
It is during this exciting time of year, as we begin to take stock of how abundant and miraculous our lives truly are, that we are reminded more than ever of the many people in the world perhaps not as fortunate as ourselves.
So, are you considering doing a charitable deed this Christmas season? Here are 10 ways to give back to the community today!
Christmas is one of the best times of the year; it brings families and friends together, provides much needed time to reflect and give thanks for the many wonderful things that we have in our lives. Plus, it’s the perfect excuse to throw a lavish celebration! Despite this, it should never be forgotten that amongst the many people celebrating with their families and behind the adverts for the ‘perfect’ family Christmas, there are countless people out there for whom Christmas will not be as merry.
The elderly with no visitors on Christmas day, families with barely enough money or food to go around, the many homeless people crowded in their local shelter, or worse, still out there on the streets.
This isn't to take the shine from the brilliance of Christmas or to provide a reason for us to dwell in negativity. Rather, it is about reminding ourselves of the power of giving. About the importance of spreading positivity; as when we share our positive energies and our abundance with others, we send greater positivity out into the world. This, in turn, will attract even greater positivity into your own life.
During such a time of love and goodwill, surely it would make sense now more than ever to reach out to the less fortunate and do what we can to share our own Christmas cheer?
So what can we do?
To be more giving at Christmas, you do not have to have lots of money. Giving really is for anyone; whether you are giving your time, a helping hand, raising money for a good cause, collecting food or writing cards to the lonely; everybody is able to give in their own unique way.
But in the meantime, here’s a list of ideas to help you ‘give’ more this Christmas time!
Whether it’s popping round to visit your elderly neighbor, making an extra dinner for someone, offering your babysitting services to a struggling mum down your street or even making a phone call to someone that is in need of a sympathetic ear, even the smallest gestures can make a big difference to somebody’s Christmas.
Remember, not everybody gets Christmas day off with their family and friends.
So, show your appreciation with Christmas cards, cakes or small treats for your local fire station, hospital, or even those that you know serving in the army abroad. Bring Christmas to those that are keeping you safe this Christmas!
At this time of year, money can be especially tight. Collect as many tins of food, blankets or unwanted clothes that you, your family and friends can find and deliver them to your local charity bank.
Even if you only help to keep one extra person warm and fed this Christmas, it will make all the difference.
Animal lovers may wish to ensure that their local animal shelter is kept running smoothly at this hectic time of year, by donating cat litter, dog or cat food.
Even better still, why not adopt an abandoned animal as a gift for somebody you know?
Christmas can be an especially lonely time for the elderly at Christmas.
So, be sure to deliver some Christmas cards, cakes or Christmas goodies to your local nursing or retirement home.
Maybe even stop for a game of cards with some of the residents!
Children from disadvantaged families, ill in hospital or in children's homes; there are many children that go without at Christmas time. Having a present to open on Christmas day can do a lot to transform a child’s experience of Christmas and will prevent them from feeling left out.
Donate any of your own child’s unwanted toys (ones they may have outgrown), or purchase small gifts and tokens to be unwrapped by a disadvantaged child on Christmas morning.
Do you know anyone that has lost somebody close to them this Christmas?
A death close to Christmas time can be especially difficult, as families or lone individuals struggle to come to terms with the new family dynamics they will be facing this Christmas day. A letter or a phone call to let the grieving know that you are thinking of them and there for them may really help to make a difference.
A popular idea is to ask family members and friends to make a donation to a charity of your choice, rather than have a present for yourself. This will set a great example for your kids by demonstrating the importance of charity, and will really help you to make a meaningful contribution this festive season.
Imagine a Christmas with no loved ones, no home, and no food in your belly. Surrounded by the warmth and celebrations enjoyed by others at Christmas, Christmas time for the homeless can be a painful time. Why not remind these people that they are not forgotten, by making and delivering Christmas stockings to your nearby homeless shelter?
Fill your gift stockings with personal hygiene items, hats, scarfs, gloves and some Christmas treats. This could prove a good project for the entire family and will really help to make a difference to someone’s Christmas.
Finally, the most giving thing that you can do this Christmas: give your time.
Volunteering during this busy Christmas period will be greatly appreciated by countless organizations and charities, all of whom struggle with this especially demanding time of year.
Take a few hours out of your week to volunteer your time at a soup kitchen, nursing home or any local organization in need. Your time really is the most precious gift that you can give.
Giving in ways such as these will not only help to make somebody’s Christmas that little bit easier, but you too will come away from Christmas feeling all the better for it; happy, and reminded of how precious your life really is. It is this gratitude for life that will prove your very greatest gift this Christmas.
We can sometimes get caught up in our worries or stresses with life, especially during this busy month, but it doesn't always have to be this way.
At Christmas time, you are likely to want to feel happy and excited – something our limiting beliefs can hold us back from. This book can help you to identify and change your limiting beliefs!
Click here to get the Clearing Negativity From Your Life Ebook today…