If you’re like most people who maintain a regular meditation practice, you probably do so in a laying or seated meditation pose.
Meanwhile, if you haven’t found it easy to take up meditation and have either never tried or have actively given it a go, it may be because it’s particularly tough for you to stay still for long minutes at a time.
Luckily, there are other ways to meditate! Walking meditation is one approach that works for most people.
Meditation isn’t a mandatory part of Law of Attraction work (though creative visualization is strongly recommended and is a sister practice to meditation).
However, it is something that supports good physical, mental and emotional health. It is a simple but powerful way to heighten your vibration and attract good into your life. (TIP: If you are new to meditation, try out this beginner's guide to meditation.)
You could also try out ZenHarmonics – this is a next-generation meditation music that utilizes a very unique technology called MRT. You can try it out at no cost here.
Here are all the key facts you need to know about how to approach walking meditation.
Practicing walking meditation is probably as simple as you think. It needn’t take any longer than 10-15 minutes!
Most people walk at least somewhere each day, and some even walk for exercise or just to relax.
As it turns out, by taking a more mindful approach to this action you can ground yourself and clear your mind.
And you don’t really need to do much more than adjusting your pacing and focus.
Let’s look at the steps required by two variations – the basic walking meditation, and the gratitude walking meditation.
Many people take to the process of walking meditation as soon as they try it. However, if you don’t find it so easy then don’t be too disheartened. Meditation is all about retraining the mind to be a quieter, more reflective space. Plus, as with any skill, the practice could enhance your ability to create this kind of focus.
Granted, the process outlined above is easier if you are in a place of natural beauty.
That being said, it may well be better for your overall perspective if you deliberately do your Gratitude Walking Meditation in your regular neighborhood, challenging yourself to find beauty in the everyday things that you likely take for granted most of the time.
When done regularly, this type of practice makes you a more positive person, and this feeds into your Law of Attraction work as well as enhancing your general mental well-being.