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[Interactive Flowchart] How To Stop Worrying: Self-Help Strategies

self help strategies to stop worrying

Although worrying can help you see problems more clearly and assist you in generating solutions, it becomes a problem in itself when it leaves you constantly paralyzed by frightening “what if?” questions.

Thankfully, there are smart things you can do to reduce your anxiety levels, stop worrying, build up your resilience and train your brain to look at life from a calmer perspective.

First, have a look at the flowchart questionnaire below.

  • It is a really good way for you to determine exactly what you're worried about and how to stop it.
  • It is an excellent step-by-step guide to feeling less stressed.
  • You can find an ideal action plan.
  • You will see the bigger picture of where your worries come from and what you can do about them.

So I strongly recommend you go through this flowchart before continuing.

After you've done with this initial self-assessment, read on for the details on the 5 techniques that should help you stop worrying.

tips stop worrying flowchart

So there you go.

Hopefully, now you see your problems a bit clearer and understand that there ARE ways to deal with the stress.

(By the way, if you want to print this flowchart out to keep for the future or just save it on your phone/computer), click this link here for a Free Downloadable PDF.

The point of this flowchart is really to just help you feel less trapped in your vicious circle of worry.

And to inspire you to TAKE ACTION to break out of it.

You may have noticed that there are a few exercises that were recommended in the flowchart. Here is a list of them with some resources that will help you get the most out of them.

Are You Ready To Cut The Negative Energy Cord In Your Life?
Free ebook reveals little-known, powerful “ancient” technique for identifying and clearing limiting beliefs helping you to break through to your best self (taking you to a higher place of consciousness).

How To Stop Worrying With These 8 Helpful Exercises

Exercise #1. Writing your worries down.

This one is pretty simple (all you need is a pen and piece of paper). The only advice here is to make a proper list with a logic to it, for example, from the things that worry you the most to the ones that worry you the least.

Exercise #2. Making an action plan based on the list of possible solutions to the problem. And taking action right now.

If you’ve been working to understand how to use The Law of Attraction, you may have spent some time thinking about whether it’s the power of action or the power of thought that is most important. Have a look at this article here to find out what matters more – thought or action.

Exercise #3. Challenging anxious thoughts.

Try the following “ANT-eaters” to defeat nine of the most common types of negative thoughts (like “future predicting” and “reading minds”).

Exercise #4. Mindfulness meditation.

Although it's an extremely powerful tool, make sure you know the 7 Dangerous Myths About Meditation before you start practicing it.

Exercise #5: Recognizing problems that you can solve.

If you know that there is something wrong because you are struggling to manifest your dreams and that worries you, then you should get a free personalized report on what could be the problem and how you can solve it. Just take this free 60-second quiz to get it and start changing your life.

Exercise #6: Practicing positive affirmations.

You can both google lists of positive affirmations for your specific problem or write them yourself. Have a look at our free toolkit that has some great example affirmations, as well as other materials that you may find useful, like instructions for creating a dream board, a downloadable/printable dream check, and an amazing book ‘The Science of Getting Rich' by Wallace D Wattles.

Exercise #7: Letting the negative people go.

Just a quick list of 8 types of people you should probably get rid of. Those who: spread negativity, criticize you all the time, waste your time, are constantly jealous, play the victim all the time, don’t care about you (not as obvious as it seems), are too self-centered, and those who keep disappointing you time after time.

Exercise #8: Writing in a gratitude journal.

Hopefully, it won't be too hard for you to come up with a list of things you are grateful for. But it is equally important to find the good in the negative situations, and this is something we all struggle with. So here is an inspiring article about Why You Should Be Grateful For Life’s Curveballs to help you with this.

5 Self-Help Strategies For Relief From Stress And Anxieties

Step # 1. Choose A “Worry Period” And Stick To It

When you try to force yourself to stop worrying, the distraction is temporary. Soon, you find your mind wandering back to the source of anxiety. It’s much more effective to postpone worries, giving yourself permission to entertain them but only within a very specific time frame.

For example, you might allow yourself to worry for 20 minutes every day at 5 pm, but decide that every other time of the day needs to be worry-free. If you start thinking about something that causes stress or tension, remind yourself you’ll have time to consider it later, and then turn your attention elsewhere.

Writing down the worries can be a good strategy here, as, first, they may not seem that important or overwhelming once you have them on paper, and, second, you’ll know you can easily return to them during the designated worry period. This whole trick helps to teach you that you have much more control than you previously thought!

Step #2. Consider Whether The Problem Can Be Solved

Studies show that you actually feel less anxious while you’re worrying (albeit temporarily) because you get the sense you’re accomplishing something. However, problem-solving is much more effective than worrying when it comes to evaluating and addressing life’s problems. So, try to switch to problem-solving as often as you can.

Every time you’re worrying about something, immediately ask yourself some questions that will help you see whether there’s a solution. For example, is this problem live, or a “what if”? How likely is the imagined scenario to come to fruition? Can you do anything to prepare or control the worrying situation?

If your problem is solvable, you can immediately start brainstorming solutions and even begin taking action. Look at the things you really have the power to change (rather than things beyond your control), and create a plan of action.

Meanwhile, if your worry is unsolvable, tune into your emotions; what feelings might worrying be helping you to repress? Look directly at your feelings, consider their source, ask yourself why these feelings might be especially hard for you to accept.

Step #3. Challenge Unrealistic Assumptions

When you find yourself worrying in unrealistic ways, work to challenge your underlying assumptions. For example, if you worry that you’re bad at your job, first ask yourself what’s so scary about this.

Next, consider what evidence you actually have to support the truth of this concern, and if you find it is a cognitive distortion then try to replace it with a new, more accurate belief.

Finally, consider what you would do if your worry was accurate; you’ll hopefully soon see that you have the resources to deal with the situation, even if it’s unlikely that you’ll ever have to deal with it.

Step #4. Accept Uncertainty

Difficulty tolerating uncertainty is a key part of most people’s struggles with worry and anxiety; if you’re a worrier, you probably hate the idea of doubt and wish you could predict everything with absolute certainty.

However, worrying isn’t an effective remedy for uncertainty; it doesn’t stop life from throwing unpleasant curve balls or allow you to control every situation’s outcome. When you spend your days imagining the worst case scenario, all you do is rob yourself of potential happiness in the present moment.

Of course, accepting uncertainty is easier said than done. However, simple mindfulness techniques can help you stay anchored in the present, enhancing your ability to enjoy everyday life.

Meditative and pleasurable activities like yoga, listening to (or playing) music and creating art can serve similar functions. Your mind might keep wandering back to the same old worries at first, but have faith that this pattern can change with time, effort and consistency.

Step # 5. Know How Others Affect You

Research proves that emotions are contagious, spreading through families, social groups and even places crowded with strangers. If you track how others influence your worries, you may see new avenues to simplify and improve your life.

For example, you might keep a diary of how people and situations are impacting on your mood, which will highlight patterns of negative interaction and help you to reduce such instances.

In addition, choose carefully when you want to talk to someone about your worries; whether you’re dealing with a loved one, colleague or even your therapist, know who helps to calm you down and can see things rationally, and who might feed into your greatest doubts and fears.

Are You Ready To Cut The Negative Energy Cord In Your Life?
Free ebook reveals little-known, powerful “ancient” technique for identifying and clearing limiting beliefs helping you to break through to your best self (taking you to a higher place of consciousness).

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Katherine Hurst
By Katherine Hurst
Katherine Hurst, is a Law of Attraction expert, best-selling author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on psychology, life design, structured thinking and emotional wellbeing.

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