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How To Use Mantras In Meditation & Find Your Mantra Today

How To Use Mantras In Meditation & Find Your Mantra Today

You probably already know the basics of meditation and mindfulness practice. For example, perhaps you've practiced meditative breathing, and maybe you even have an exercise that you do every day to center or calm yourself.

However, people are often unaware of the many ways in which you can “level up” your meditation practice.

One of these methods involves using mantras in meditation – sounds or phrases you make to help you get into a particular state of mind. But where do you start, and how do you choose a mantra that suits you?

In this guide to using mantras in meditation, we'll first give you more information about the nature of mantras and how they affect you. We'll then offer you seven distinct mantras, explain their benefits, and then walk you through the process of choosing a mantra that suits you. Finally, we'll show you how mantras in meditation can enhance your manifestation abilities.

What Is A Mantra And How Does It Affect You?

What Is A Mantra And How Does It Affect You?

If you're asking “What's a mantra?”, the simplest explanation is that it's a sound that is repeated during meditations. That sound may be a word, a phrase, or more of noise – but regardless, you continuously make that sound as you continue your exercise.

Said to have strong vibrational resonance throughout your body and mind, mantras are used not only in meditations but also in certain forms of yoga and in spiritual practices associated with some religions.

You can even find mantras in certain music, such as binaural beats tracks designed to help you concentrate.

Regardless of the nature of your mantra, it is combined with a focus on the breath or on a particular object or idea (such as during creative visualization).

Mantras alter your consciousness and help you tap into your deepest potential. Let's now turn to some of the main mantras you find helpful, so we can then explore how to choose a mantra today.

7 Mantras In Meditation And Their Benefits

You can use the following 7 mantras in meditation but these short mantras are also mantras to live by – they can change your feelings and help you tune into what matters most.

As we go through the list, we'll also note the specific benefits of each mantra, which will help you make judgments in the next section.

“Om” or “AUM”

“Om” or “AUM”

One of the most famous, classic mantras in meditation history, “om” or “AUM” means something along the lines of “it is”, or “to become.”

Frequently described as the most sacred mantra of all, it is a Sanskrit word that connects you to the moment where intention becomes reality, and it is said to represent creation.

Consequently, it's a beneficial mantra to use if you're doing manifestation work and want to concentrate on bringing your dreams into the physical realm.

To use this mantra effectively, you might chant it three times before you begin your meditation practice, or you may choose to repeat it through the whole meditation.

You can even repeat it to yourself when you're not meditating but want to tap into your power to create.

“So Hum”

“So Hum”

Another powerful Sanskrit word, the mantra “so hum” translates to “I am.” This is a self-affirming mantra that you can use to give yourself love and compassion during difficult times, or when your confidence is waning.

Some people who use mantras in meditation also add extra words that connect to the core phrase. In this case, phrases like “I am enough”, “I am growing into who I am supposed to be”, and “I love and am loved.

In addition to using the “so hum” mantra in meditation, you can also use it as an affirmation, saying it into the mirror as you look into your own eyes.

In time, it can become a quick way to anchor yourself in self-love and decrease anxiety.

“Om Namah Shivaya”

“Om Namah Shivaya”

The mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” is a Hindu mantra that originates in dedication to Lord Shiva. “Om”, again, represents creation while “Namah” means “to show adoration” and “Shivaya” translates to “the inner life.”

The totality of these words is a mantra that prompts the deepest possible level of focus on your thoughts.

Through repetition, this mantra can get you into a mode of almost perfect concentration on whatever you're doing or about to do – whether that's the meditation session itself, work you have to do, or a creative process you want to engage in.

This mantra can lead you into a kind of transcendental state, which can be revelatory even if you're not aiming to complete a particular task.

For example, using this mantra in meditation before writing a stream of consciousness journal entry can reveal surprising new things about your desires.

“Gayatri Mantra”

“Gayatri Mantra”

This mantra is a prayer applicable to people of all religions, and even people with no spiritual affiliation. It translates to giving thanks to the light, and to a request for the light to protect you from the dark.

This protection can be from the external world, but more commonly refers to the way we can block our own thoughts and feelings.

So, the Gayatri Mantra mantra is perfect when you feel you're struggling in some area of your life and need to keep the faith, maintain a positive attitude and believe in the best possible outcome.

It's obvious, too, just how useful this mantra might be for manifestation. It aligns you with positivity, light, and abundance, leading you away from negativity, dark, and a focus on lack (i.e., what you don't have).

“Om Tat Sat.”

“Om Tat Sat.”

A mantra that means “all that is” or “absolute truth”, this phrase is one to use when you want to connect to your highest self.

For example, when you feel confused about what you want, or you want to understand why you're struggling, this mantra encourages insight and introspection.

Its other use is as a manifestation primer – you can say it to focus all your energy on what you're trying to bring into being.

Once again, while this is one of the most effective mantras in meditation, it's also a great affirmation to use to encourage yourself to be authentic.

When you feel you might be in danger of changing to please others or of putting on a mask, this mantra can reconnect you to the heart of who you really are.



Another Hindu mantra “I am that”, this phrase aims to help us take a broader look at ourselves and our lives.

When we find ourselves becoming overly materialistic, focusing on temporary experience or on old grudges, this mantra pulls us back to the awareness that we are observers.

You can take a third-party perspective on yourself, realizing what matters and what can be put aside and forgotten.

When manifesting with the Law of Attraction, the “ham-sah” mantra can help to get you out of a stuck place. If you're struggling to see the path ahead, bothered by doubts, and prone to procrastination, meditating with a focus on this phrase can distill your goal down to its simplest parts.

It also works well for pulling back from suffering, helping you to understand suffering is temporary.

“Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.”

“Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.”

Finally, this popular mantra translates to “Peace of mind, body, and speech.” It's based on ancient Indian philosophy and, as the words suggest, promotes the embodiment of peace.

Repeating it can relax your body, calm your mind, and help you speak more clearly. As several of the other mantras do, this one is a remedy for distress, for anger, and for confusion.

That makes it powerful not only in meditation but also as an affirmation or as a written quote on a dream board.

There are social uses for this mantra as well – people sometimes say “Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti” to others they care for, or it may be recited by a group during a celebration (e.g., a birthday or a naming ceremony).

How To Find Your Mantra?

Now that you've seen a range of mantras with all different purposes and themes, you're probably asking “What is my mantra?”.

Setting one can seem challenging, but when you find one that suits you it gives you a sense of solidity, inner strength, and resilience.

Be Inspired

Be Inspired

Firstly, it's important to note that using mantras in meditation is an incredibly personal thing.

There are no rules you need to stick to, and no one other than yourself can figure out exactly what's right for you.

However, being inspired by the way other people use their mantras can help you find your own, so start by exploring the mantras other people choose.

Why did they choose them? What process did they choose? What benefits are they experiencing?

Crucially, you must remember that mantras in meditation are not fixed. You can feel free to play with them, to experiment with different ones, and indeed to change mantras as your life evolves and your focus changes.

The mantra that suits you when you're building a business may not be the one that resonates with you when you are looking for love or starting a family. Approach the process with curiosity, openness, and creativity.

Give In To You Mantra

Once you start working with mantras in meditation, it's wise to let yourself grow in response to using these mantras.

By changing the language you use when you talk to yourself, you change the attitude you have toward yourself too.

But to get to this place of change and self-acceptance, you need to surrender to your mantra – to trust that it is enough and that it will give you love, compassion, and healing.

People often notice an urge to say their mantra outside of meditation, and you should trust your judgment on this. If you feel like it's appropriate to recite it to yourself in the morning, to say it before bed, or to write it repeatedly during your daily commute, these are all indications that you are indeed surrendering to your mantra.

Meanwhile, if you never think of your mantra outside of meditation, it may be that another mantra would be more powerful for you.

Committing To The Mantra

Committing To The Mantra

The above advice was all about letting your mantra lead you, and your personal growth, in the direction you need to go.

However, your relationship with your mantra should also be a proactive one. It's important to integrate it into frequent meditation practice very early into your use of the mantra so that it becomes sown into your thinking.

Meanwhile, when you make important decisions, ask yourself: “Does this fit with my mantra?”. In this way, the words you chose can begin to act as a guide or a compass for you, enabling you to better access your gut feelings and intuitions.

That said, never feel forced to commit to a mantra. It must reflect who you are and what you want, and if you experience significant resistance then allow yourself to move on.

It often takes a while to find words that truly resonate with your soul.

Become One With Your Mantra

After you've found a mantra you love, have surrendered to it, and made daily commitments to its meaning, the final step involves coming to accept that this mantra is always within you.

This is an organic process that happens by degrees, but you will know when you are beginning to develop this symbiosis with your mantra.

You will begin to feel it reside inside your body and experience it as a resource you can return to again and again. When you are stressed or uncertain, look within your heart and draw on the mantra for the strength and self-compassion that you need.

You may use “My mantra is within me” or “My mantra and I are one” as an affirmation to help you cement this relationship.

Start Using Mantras In Meditation To Boost Your Manifesting Power

As we've explored, mantras in meditation are a potent source of personal power, growth, and comfort. There are many to choose from – we've looked at only a few – and everyone has a unique relationship with the mantra they need at the specific point they are at in their lives.

However, we've also noted throughout that there are ways to use your mantras as affirmations, and this is something you can expand on in your Law of Attraction practice.

Indeed, “affirmations” in manifestation literature really are just mantras – positive statements that promote love, self-compassion, and confidence.

Why not recite your mantra along with its translation, combining both into an even more powerful mantra? Alternatively, you might repeatedly write your mantra, which is a way of committing to it and also a way of using it as an affirmation.

As is often the case, Law of Attraction practices and ancient meditation rituals are wonderfully complementary.

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Katherine Hurst
By Katherine Hurst
Katherine Hurst, is a Law of Attraction expert, best-selling author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on psychology, life design, structured thinking and emotional wellbeing.

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