You might have heard of the phrase “paradigm shift” when people are talking about taking a new approach to an idea, or to a business.
However, we all have our own paradigms inside us – a group of habits and assumptions that add up to determine how our lives go.
If you want to live your best life, it helps to look at those paradigms and take control of them. But how?
We'll start with a thorough exploration of what a paradigm is so that you can get to grips with what it means to shift that paradigm.
Thereafter, we'll consider how to harness basic visualization skills to shift your current paradigm in a way that supports well-being and quality of life.
This is a process that involves six distinct steps, and we'll walk you through all of them. We'll close by considering how you can incorporate what you've learned into other Law of Attraction exercises, boosting your manifestation potential even more.
What does ‘paradigm' mean, then? When we're talking about people, it refers to the sum total of your beliefs about the world.
Residing in your subconscious, these beliefs lead to habits and ways of being that are also part of your default paradigm.
Our internal paradigm begins to form in our very first months and years on the planet and is heavily influenced by our caregivers as well as society's messages during our lives.
Interestingly, however, you can transform your paradigm, meaning that you can also transform how you live.
Doing so requires tapping into replacement beliefs and habits, and doing your best to cement them in your subconscious mind.
But why, exactly should you do this? And how will you know when it's time to try?
Precise paradigm shift definitions vary, but they all refer back to the idea of adapting our beliefs and our habits.
The trick to knowing when it's time to actively facilitate a paradigm shift lies in knowing when your daily routine isn't working for you.
For example, for many of us, our paradigms reinforce negativity and keep us feeling stuck. We hold on to unproductive assumptions and behaviors for years, without ever questioning that underlying paradigm.
We don't seem to achieve our dreams, even when we're trying to use Law of Attraction and manifestation techniques, and we begin to feel listless and sad. In these moments it's clear that change is needed – and it can come in the form of a paradigm shift.
Examples of paradigm shifts almost always involve aligning yourself with positivity. You begin to see everything through an optimistic and appreciative lens, finally becoming able to find joy in all you do.
You will embrace challenges, focusing on how you can grow from them. And you will feel better about yourself than ever before, trusting that the universe will give you what you need.
Although a paradigm shift may sound like just what you need, it also takes some work. Let's look at how to start doing that work today.
To show you how to paradigm shift, we'll lead you through six distinct steps. Taken together, these steps will show you to shift your way of being in the world, so that you manifest a happier, more positive, and productive life.
As you'll see, the Law of Attraction techniques of designing affirmations and creating vision boards are closely related to paradigm-shifting, so you may already have some of the basic skills you need.
But if not, don't worry – our guide will explain what you need to do in a way that's equally suitable for a beginner to understand.
Related article: What Is The Law of Assumption And How Does It Work?
First, attune yourself to your own negative habits.
These could crop up any time, but it's often easier to spot them when you notice your mood dipping.
If you feel angry, sad, or frustrated, walk your thinking back to figure out the root cause.
What did you contribute to your situation?
Of course, you shouldn’t blame yourself, however – try to non-judgmentally observe how you trip yourself up.
While you should be practicing self-compassion throughout this.
Once you've learned more about your bad habits, make sure to write them down.
Describe any newly discovered in as few words as possible, as clearly as you can.
To boost your awareness, you might even write it on a notepad or a board that you see throughout your everyday routine.
For example, if you notice you have a habit of procrastinating when you’ve got something daunting to do, you might write “I avoid tasks that scare me.”.
Don’t be afraid to repeatedly rewrite the habit to get the wording right.
What is the opposite of the negative habit you discovered? This will help you locate good habits.
For example, if your identified behavior was assuming the worst in people, you'd write down “assuming the best of people” as your opposite.
Or, to use the scenario from the previous step, you could take your procrastination tendency and flip it into “I tackle hard tasks first, knowing I can succeed.”
As you write down the opposite of your bad habit, give some thought to what life would be like if you practiced this habit.
What would you change? How would you feel?
To create good habits, you must be mindful of the change you want to make.
So, even if you didn't write your bad habit down in a place you can see, make sure you write its opposite – your new, ideal habit – in a place that catches your eye.
This is the first substantive step of your paradigm shift.
If you like, you can make this part of a vision board, placing pictures around your description of the habit to show what life would like if this good habit became second nature.
To stop bad habits, you must renounce them in a way that seeps into your subconscious.
How can you destroy or reject your bad habit? You could delete it from your phone, tear it into papers if you wrote it on paper, or even burn it.
The key is just to symbolize getting rid of this habit.
Once again, try not to view this as getting rid of some part of yourself – rather, you’re saying goodbye to something that no longer serves you.
Turn your full focus to creating daily good habits now. Take that positive habit you want to practice, and rewrite your description multiple times in a day.
This can feel tedious, but it's almost like rewriting the part of your brain that may still be clinging to an outdated paradigm.
You might want to do this first thing in the morning to set the tone for the day, or before bed to encourage dreams of the life you’re creating.
Now that you've completed steps 1-6, keep repeating them to shift your paradigm. Paradigm shifting isn't always obvious, but you'll slowly begin to see how much more positive you are.
This, in turn, will start to attract positivity into your life – including the things you've been wanting to manifest for a long time.
You can add new habits to manifest your goals with paradigm-shifting exercises – do these any time you notice that you’re feeling down or unproductive.
Now that you've figured out how to instigate and sustain a paradigm shift, you can try other, similar techniques to enhance your manifestation skills even more.
In particular, the positive manifestation is supported by dream journaling – a natural extension of your paradigm-shifting skills.
While your paradigm-shifting involved writing out a short description of a habit, dream journaling goes a step further and asks you to write a whole narrative about the life you want to create.
Try not to police this, but to write from your subconscious and let the picture build as you would during creative visualization.
As in step six, you can rewrite parts of your dream journaling to help enhance your focus.
For example, if you wrote a narrative about finding love, you can shorten it into rewritable sentences like “I feel adored, respected and joyful” or “I wake up every day knowing I deserve the love in my life.”