Do you ever find yourself sitting at your desk, wondering ‘how did I get here?’ Do you want to find true happiness?
It comes to a point in many people’s lives when they wake up and realize they’re living a life that’s not theirs. If this sounds like you and you’re struggling to find meaning in your work, or perhaps even the life you’ve chosen for yourself, then I’ve got good news for you:
When we’re confused about which work path to follow, we usually look to the people around us. We become fixated on what our lives. This includes our career choices and what they ‘should’ look like. We opt for what’s ‘safe’, rather than what excites or moves us. We head down the same path as everyone else; reluctant that it is the right path for us, but too afraid to break away from the rest of the crowd.
But I’ll say it again: This is YOUR life.
A large proportion of our lives are spent at work. Work isn’t just a means to an end. Work is our day-to-day. Our work is what, for many of us, takes up a large chunk of our lives. So why are so many people secretly dying a silent death in jobs that leave them feeling less alive than ever?
If this sounds like you then the question you ought to be asking yourself is…
Tough question to answer? It shouldn’t be.
If we were to all get back in touch with our true, authentic selves, and take a hard look at what it is that WE wanted, we could pursue life paths that fulfilled, rather than depleted us.
If you’re tired of living a life you’ve become a stranger to and want to make your happiness, not a ‘career’, your life’s work, then read on…
Is this a big question? Absolutely! Whilst you shouldn’t expect to have all the answers, becoming an expert on yourself is by far one of the best steps you can take for identifying what kind of work you want to pursue.
So, what are your unique strengths? What kind of things do people thank you for most? What do you value the most in life? What feels most rewarding to you?
Looking back over your life to date and paying closer attention to your day-to-day experiences, what life lessons have been most important for you? Who or what has proved to be the biggest inspiration in your life?
Think of your answers as jigsaw puzzle pieces; once pieced together, you’ll begin to see the bigger picture of how it is that you want your life to look.
Are there certain things, dreams, ambitions or life paths, you’ve deemed too impossible to achieve?
Many of us are guilty of telling ourselves that many things are impossible. Something that the people around us are quick to reinforce. However, what we ought to be telling ourselves is that everything is impossible until someone actually does it.
So, if you’ve been telling yourself that something is impossible, that business start-up, novel or life project, try and ask yourself, who has achieved this before me? Find evidence of people that HAVE made it possible and use their accomplishments to spur you into making them your own.
Or do you have a dream that has never yet been accomplished? Then be the first person to do it. Lead the way and open the floodgates for the many others who need someone like you to show them the way. You are in control of your happiness!
What is your obsession? What are your passions? What work can you NOT put out into the world?
You may not think you know it yet, but there is something that drives us all. Whether it’s the need to improve the lives of others, a thirst for lifelong learning, the need to spread a particular message or even something as simple and silly as knitting or drawing cartoons… there is something we all wake up for in the mornings.
The question is: what makes YOU want to get out of bed every day? Identify this and there you have it, a potential life calling.
Once you no longer feel obliged to meet the expectations of others and are ready to strike out on your own pursuit of happiness, remember these 3 questions. With your answers and some courage combined, you may find that you hold the map to your life’s calling.
Enjoy the journey!
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