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10 Guidelines To Get Through Challenging Times

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While working with the Law of Attraction can do a lot to make life happier and easier, it’s a fact of life that you’ll encounter challenging times now and again.

Whether you’re dealing with small setbacks or deeply troubling news, here are 10 guidelines that will help you get through the situation.

1. Make Your Goals Known

No matter how difficult things seem, you still have options. What do you want for yourself, and from your life? When you can get clarity on this question, you can reassess where you are and what you need to do to transform your reality.

Reconnect with your ambition, allow it to fill you with excitement, and listen to your instincts. Once you know your goals, assert them out loud to yourself, to your loved ones, and to the world more generally. Like reciting affirmations, this process is a vital step on the road to creating a life that inspires passion and joy in your heart.

2. Turn Your Attention To What’s Working

In tough times, it’s so easy to focus solely on what you feel life lacks but all this does is attract more negative things.

Consequently, it’s smart to deliberately shift your focus to what’s going right in your life.

Perform a thorough inventory of your natural gifts and the gifts that others give you. These are all gifts that you can use to grow as a person, to generate more strength and to eventually emerge into a happier, lighter way of being.

(If you want more advice on how to harness the power of the subconscious, click here to discover the scientific technique YOU can use to boost YOUR manifestation potential!)

3. Act

This simple and proactive guideline helps to ensure you devote your energy to the process of moving on. Essentially, you should aim that to do all that you can in a day, without harming yourself by utterly draining your own resources.

It’s all about setting realistic expectations—if your goals for the day are too lofty, you’ll not only be exhausted but also disappointed and low. Aim to use the time you have in the best possible ways—keeping a ‘to-do’ list helps a lot, especially if you categorize tasks into high, medium and low priority sections. Perhaps try to accomplish all the high priority tasks, and view any further successes as a bonus!

4. Strive For Balance

Nourishing all parts of yourself will do a lot to get you through tough times. For your mind, consider activities like learning a new skill, doing an engaging puzzle, or reading an absorbing book.

For your body, spend some time connecting with yourself physically (whether through art, sport or yoga). Meanwhile, for your soul, engage in meditation, socialize, and take in the kind of beauty that inspires you (whether it comes from art, music, or something like cooking).

5. Do Things That Scare You

Embrace fear every day! You don’t need to risk your life; engage with little things that intimidate you, like awkward phone calls, presentations, driving to a new place or approaching a stranger.

Feel the sense of boldness and pride that comes with these choices, and let yourself acknowledge your own bravery. You can and will turn fear into a positive energy that propels you forward.

6. See Yourself As Others Do

Remember all the times you have been praised, thanked and complimented; this remarks give you a real insight into who you really are, and help shift your self-concept away from the negative.

7. Let Go

Do you feel held back or restricted? If you’re not sure how to combat this, ask for advice from those you trust—and remember that you don’t always need to take major practical steps in order to let go of something that’s blocking your progress.

Sometimes, the very act of sharing your feelings and talking about your experience of being stuck will be what automatically brings release (and change).

8. Be Grateful

Deliberate attention to goodness can be a catalyst for a much better state of mind, and can really assist with healing. At the end of your day, simply write down 3-5 things that made it better; specific individuals, kind things you did for yourself, moving things you saw, and new realizations you had are all good candidates for gratitude lists.

If you’ve had a particularly rough day, you can also challenge yourself to do an “A-Z of gratitude” (finding one gratitude-inspiring thing per letter of the alphabet).

9. Make Today Better Than Yesterday

You don’t need to accomplish everything in one day; just do your best to make today better than the one that came before. Did you want to do something you didn’t manage to make time for or feel you missed out on something?

Do it today, and take a moment to notice the ways in which this day is an improvement on yesterday.

10. Never Give Up

There will be roadblocks to happiness, but you will prevail as long as you have faith in the idea that you contain everything you need for success.

If you learn lessons from your challenges, act to make changes, and pay close attention to caring for yourself, you will make it through this and any other difficult time you encounter.

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But did you know you can harness the power of the subconscious and transform your life? Click here to discover the scientific technique YOU can use to boost YOUR manifestation potential.

Dr.Joe Vitale reveals all in this mind-blowing free training video.

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Are you ready to learn the 3-step formula to remove the abundance blocks from your subconscious mind and finally unleash your full potential? Then, click here now.

Table Of Contents

Katherine Hurst
By Katherine Hurst
Katherine Hurst, is a Law of Attraction expert, best-selling author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on psychology, life design, structured thinking and emotional wellbeing.

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