Regularly practicing yoga can have a wonderful impact on both body and mind. It boosts your flexibility whilst toning your physique and helping you relax all at once. As such, it’s an ideal addition to your life regardless of whether your Law of Attraction goal actually concerns physical fitness.
However, the unfortunate truth is that that there are widespread, negative rumors about yoga. Many of these are voiced by critics who simply don’t know any better.
Don’t let these cautionary notes put you off the idea of doing yoga! Instead, check out these facts about yoga myths and then make up your own mind.
If you veer away from the yoga mat because you think of yourself as a stiff and inflexible person, you’ve got the wrong impression about the practice.
It’s also worth noting that if you are already very flexible and have been diagnosed with hypermobility, you should seek out a yoga teacher who knows how to work with people who have lax joints. This will ensure that your yoga practice makes you stronger without causing you to accidentally injure yourself.
Perhaps you went to one yoga class and didn’t like it, and now you’re pretty sure that you just want to give the whole thing a miss. Alternatively, maybe a friend had a bad experience at a yoga class and has put you off the practice for life. It’s worth reconsidering this rigid stance.
As well as many different types of yoga, there are many different ways to teach it to those who want to learn as well. So, one yoga class doesn’t tell you all you need to know about whether yoga might improve your life.
For example, expert yoga teachers can typically cite at least a dozen different forms of yoga. Some offer a challenging workout, others are restorative and aimed at helping those with physical difficulties, while yet more focus on stress relief.
Types of yoga include:
Given this incredible variation, the best thing you can do is read up on the different types of yoga! This way you can figure out which appeals to you.
You can also look for teachers or classes that emphasize those specific types. And if you don’t like one, consider trying another!
Thinking about yoga from the perspective of being good or bad at it is misleading and counterproductive.
This particular myth puts so many people off even trying yoga! They assume they will do “poorly” and feel intimidated by the idea of failure.
If you ask people who have been practicing yoga for years, they will tell you that there is not really any such thing as being particularly good at yoga. The focus isn’t on external, objective judgment but on what works well to help you feel good in your own body.
Yoga is a deeply personal activity. No two people will practice it in exactly the same way or thrive in precisely the same way while doing it. This means that it’s okay, and indeed beneficial, to approach yoga with an entirely self-focused perspective, determined to figure out what feels right.
Once you’ve approached classes in this way a few times, you’ll quickly realize that there is no need to be self-conscious or competitive. These feelings go up against the very spirit of a yoga practice.
Finally, there are a lot of negative and inhibiting claims about who yoga is “for”. Try to forget those, they will only hold you back! It isn’t just for women in their 20s, or for people who are already very fit.
Regardless of your gender, your age group or your current fitness level, it’s almost certain that there will be a way for you to practice yoga safely, productively and enjoyable. A yoga class should help to cultivate a consistent attitude of acceptance and collaboration (not segregation).
So, don’t let narrow stereotypes put you off thinking of yourself as “the kind of person who does yoga”. Yoga is for everyone!
As just discussed, yoga can really improve both your physical and mental health. As well as researching nearby yoga classes, be sure to consider what else you could be doing to utilize The Law of Attraction within your life. Claim your free tool kit and learn how to manifest effectively, click here now.