Dating can be challenging! However, if you want to end up with your soul mate then it’s well worth taking some dating advice from Law of Attraction experts.
Some of this advice will help you make powerful practical changes, while other dating tips will assist you in cultivating the type of mindset that leads to long-term love.
A simple “I am ready to have a wonderful time” or “I will open my heart and mind to each new person I meet” can get you into just the right frame of mind.
Don’t say “I bet this is awful!” or “He’ll never like me!” before you go on a date.
When you hold onto old love letters or photos of previous partners, you send out a message to the universe saying that you’re not yet ready for a new love.
If you’re feeling too anxious before a date, take five minutes to center yourself with slow, deep breathing exercises.
Exposing your brain to more and more evidence that true love is possible can help to reshape your own attitudes, giving you more hope that you can attract what you want.
Every day, fully immerse yourself in a vivid mental image of what it will be like to have your soul mate in your life. Let yourself feel loved, excited and happy, and know that this is possible for you.
For some people, this is, even more, moving and motivating than visualization.
Never been on a blind date, or tried a dating site? Branch out, and maximize your chances of attracting the right person.
Then, write a more positive, more accurate new belief next to each of these negative messages.
Click here to read more about the 17 Emotional Blocks That Are Standing In The Way Of True Love. If you learn to remove them, you could open yourself up to a whole new world of happiness…
While it’s great to be open-minded and go on a wide variety of dates, your intuition knows if you’re moving further away from where you want to be. Go with your gut.
No matter how a relationship ended, try to draw a positive and useful lesson from it. Remember that these unsuitable relationships are necessary steps on the road to your ideal partner.
You can do this easily, as long as you have a corkboard and a pile of magazines. Just look for images that connect with your idea of what love means. Display the dream board in a prominent place.
According to the Law of Attraction, what we send out determines what we receive. So, if you want your dating life to go well, cultivate a generous, affectionate way of behaving; notice how the world immediately starts to become more loving in response.
Don’t listen to pessimists and skeptics who don’t think that true love is possible. It is possible, and you can achieve it! Remind yourself of that fact every day.
Good examples include rose quartz stone, a rock shaped like a heart or a postcard with an inspiring quote on it. Touch it in your pocket or your purse if you need a confidence boost before (or during!) your date.
While it’s unproductive to have a rigid idea of the partner you want, having a clear idea of key traits and values will help the universe send you the right person.
Living “as if” basically involves acting like you would if you had what you wanted. When it comes to love, this means creating space in your home for your partner and maybe even booking two tickets for a show six months away.
Many people give up on love because of heartbreak, assuming they’re “not the kind of person” who can be happy. It is only adopting this mindset that stops you from being the kind of person who can be happy!
Don’t be so caught up in the idea of your endgame that you miss a chance to be grateful for the simple pleasure of getting to know someone new. Cultivating this kind of gratitude not only makes every day nicer, but it also makes you vibrate on a higher frequency; a frequency that attracts more positive experiences.
Hopefully, this dating advice has helped you grow confidence! Now, develop a step-by-step plan for yourself that you will follow to develop a more positive approach to dating.
You can learn how to apply manifestation techniques to our love life in more detail with the Love Tool Kit download. Sign up to get your free worksheets and even MORE dating advice.