There are many sources of negativity in our lives. Sometimes the circumstances are just far from perfect and we become unhappy and depressed, feeling like there is no way out of this downward spiral. It's harder to get out of the situation when you are surrounded by toxic people.
In this situation, it is important to remember that things do get better and that you do have the power to turn your life around. Listen to my story here, about what I did to create the life I've always wanted for myself, and learn how you can do that too.
And you can start by removing the toxic people from your life. Here are 8 types of people who are poisoning your life:
Is someone who is close to you always angry, resentful and unhappy? If so, you can probably feel them sucking the life out of you by imposing their negativity and pessimism upon you. Being around people, who complain 24/7 and always see the life as a glass half empty, is not only not fun, it’s also dangerous for you.
If you hang out with these people too often, you are likely to develop negative thinking yourself or even get depressed. And we all know how important it is to focus on the positive to attract better things into our lives.
And here are a few tips in case you can't really stop hanging out with negative people (for example, if they are work colleagues or family members):
They can start with little things, like pointing out that they don’t like your shoes or your haircut, but soon they will be taking the thing you’re most passionate about and making you feel terrible about it. You need people in your life that can tell you the truth and warn you if you are doing something wrong, but you don’t need judgemental people who will always look down on you. You will never feel free and comfortable to act like the real you around toxic people, and if you can’t be yourself around them, why be around them at all?
But again, if you absolutely have to be around people who like to criticize, here are several things you can do to deal with them better:
It’s ok to be spending lots of time with those special people in your life. But sometimes there are people who just constantly want our attention just for the sake of getting attention. They are not helping you develop and grow, they are just wasting your time. Don’t let them.
A few things you can do…
Sure, it’s sometimes nice to know that someone is a little jealous because it makes you feel even better about your success. But some people are constantly jealous, they are never happy with what they have, and they will never be happy when good things happen to you. They will keep sending toxic and negative vibrations out of envy, because from their point of view that good thing that happened to you should have happened to them. You want to surround yourself with people who will support you and who will help you move forward.
Those who always find someone to blame for the setbacks in their lives or their mistakes. They don’t want to take responsibility, and sooner or later they will end up blaming you too.
These people are sometimes hard to identify at once. First, you will empathize with their problems and will try to help them. But their “time of need” will never pass. Toxic people will make you forget to see tough times as opportunities to learn and grow. You will soon find yourself blaming the circumstances and failing to do anything to change them or your attitude.
Of course, sometimes it can be hard to tell if someone really needs help or just playing the victim. Here are a few signs to look out for:
This may seem obvious, but unfortunately, so many of us hang on to that person in our lives who just don’t care about us. It may be because we are just not ready to let go yet or because we are hoping something will change, but the reality is that there is no reason to keep someone in your life if they are not interested in it.
There are also toxic people who just pretend to care about you. But sooner or later everything becomes about them. So if you are spending a lot of time with someone, just make sure that they are not just “taking” but also “giving” something in return. If the person is trying to make everything about themselves, they are not worth it.
None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes and we can all be negative, judgemental, self-centered or jealous at times. And that is OK. We are all human. What does matter, however, is that we are willing to work on ourselves, to grow and to try harder to be better people.
But if there is someone in your life who is not willing to do that, it is time to get rid of that person. You need to stop allowing the same people to hurt and disappoint you over and over again.
Getting rid of the surrounding toxic energy is the first step. But what is even more important, you should stay positive yourself. Change your negative thinking and get rid of limiting beliefs. Download the ‘Origins' program to learn how to do this.