While it’s wonderful to think about how you can create your own opportunities when using the Law of Attraction, it’s just as important to look out for sent opportunities—potential signals or signs from the universe that can give you a clue about what to do next.
If you’ve been diligently maintaining a daily schedule of visualization, affirmations, and dream board work, and are wondering why you don’t seem to be manifesting the things you want, it’s time to think a bit harder about whether you’re simply not recognizing sent opportunities.
Some people think the Law of Attraction sounds very mystical. However, it’s actually just all about how energy can work—both inside and outside of us. There is some compelling science behind it. And using the Law of Attraction to its full potential involves learning how to become attuned to that energy.
When we get things we want (such as money, love, or a fantastic new job), they haven’t appeared by magic. Rather, we kick-start the process of achieving these goals by fully understanding what it is we want. Also, why we want it, and what it would look like.
That final component—knowing what your dream life looks like—is attained and enhanced by daily visualizations. By working to believe that you can have the life you want.
In response, the universe can start putting changes in motion that will end up with you achieving your goal. But you need to look out for the signs that indicate you’re on the road to success.
For example, think of the old parable about the man in the flood. He declines a car ride, a boat ride and a lift in a helicopter, all because he believes that God will save him. When the man inevitably drowns and asks why God did not save him, God replies that he sent the man, a car, a boat, and a helicopter!
Regardless of whether you’re religious, you can take an important lesson from this story. Namely, that sometimes we’re looking right at the solution to our problems and yet somehow can’t see them.
Now that you have an idea of what sent opportunities are, you might be wondering how you can start to improve your ability to recognize these opportunities. Well, the first thing you need to do is let go of preconceptions about how your dreams will come true.
Keep visualizing the outcome you want and reinforcing your beliefs that the outcome is possible. But don’t fall into the trap of fixating on the method by which you will reach that wonderful destination. For example, your dream of love might involve meeting someone through your profession (at a conference or other networking opportunity).
But if you focus on this then you’ll start to become blinkered to the possibility that your ideal partner might be standing right in front of you at a bar or introduced to you by a mutual friend!
These are just a few examples that have commonly happened to people who work with the Law of Attraction. However, almost anything can be a sent opportunity, so you have to keep your mind attuned to the exciting idea of possibility.
The real heart of recognizing sent opportunities is being truly open-minded and trying to explore absolutely all opportunities that just might lead to you manifesting the life you desire. Only by doing this will you be able to stop yourself from closing off potential avenues to love, success or abundance.
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