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How You Can Improve Your Life In Only 15-20 Minutes!


Personal development is an ongoing process. Because let’s face it, we all want to go through life as our very best selves. So we take steps to improve ourselves and improve our lives; we might set ourselves goals, write to-do lists and try to squeeze as many good habits into our day as we possibly can; exercise, drink more water, meditate, write more, take a course… the list is endless!

We know what we need to do to create positive change, but the question is when do we do it? Where do we find the time?

How You Can Improve Your Life In 15-20 Minutes

If you’re guilty of never being able to follow through with a goal, or you struggle to fit in the positive habits you know you need, then it’s time to scale back a bit. Remember, small steps are the key to creating BIG change.

Most experts argue that little and often is best when you’re trying to improve your life in some way. Taking even as little as fifteen to twenty minutes daily to work on yourself and improve your life, is considered ideal. It’s practical, easy to implement, and best of all; it gets results!

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Stuck for ideas on daily self-improvement exercises you can do in twenty minutes or less? Here are some suggestions for you to consider with regards to how you can improve your life:


1. Work Up a Sweat

Get the endorphins flowing and clear your mind, with a mini-workout!

Twenty minutes of exercise; that’s ALL it can take to flood your body with a whole variety of benefits for both your happiness and strength. You do not have to dedicate hours a day to get fit. Plus, you can even get this exercise at home! There is no need for expensive gym passes.

With just twenty minutes of exercise a day, you’ll significantly reduce your stress levels, become more productive, plus, you’ll look and feel much better. It can be as simple as that.

So, whether you’re jumping on your trampoline, going for a swim, walking the dog, or lifting weights in your bedroom; move your body!

2. Meditate

Meditation can either set you up for a productive day or can be used to calm the mind after a hectic one. No matter how you choose to use meditation, the benefits are undeniable. Meditating – for as little as five minutes – provides the chance to calm your mind, slow your breathing and find that quiet place within yourself where you’re able to re-center and prepare for whatever you have planned for your life.

3. Read

Whether it’s an inspiring newspaper article, a post from your favorite blog, or a few chapters of a book, reading enriches the mind. So take a few minutes out every day to read something of value to you, whether it’s purely for the enjoyment of it or to learn something new.


4. Be in Nature

Clear your mind and get outdoors. Sometimes, all that it takes to improve your day and organize your thoughts is a bit of fresh air.

A quick walk, or simply going outside to take a couple of deep breaths, can be all it takes to relieve stress or to gain a new perspective. Plus, it will help you get a good dose of vitamin D!

So on your lunch break make sure you get outside, even if it’s only for five minutes. It can even help to add a small potted plant to your decor, whether it's for your work desk or within your home. This can boost your frequency and positive energy.

(Need some inspiration? Be sure to get access to your very own Law Of Attraction toolkit! This includes an affirmation guide as well as instructions to make your own dream board. Click here now to find out more.)

5. Put Pen to Paper

Sometimes it’s good to get your thoughts down on paper. It sounds simple, but some of the most brilliant and unexpected ideas are created that way.

So not including what you write for work, aim to write for up to 20 minutes a day. It could be jotting down thoughts in a private journal, writing a little prose, or even writing a letter to a friend. Try putting pen to paper once in a while.

6. Get Organized

Just ten minutes of tidying or organizing a day can make a lot of difference to your personal spaces, as well as your peace of mind. Organize your wardrobe, tidy your work desk, rearrange your bedroom; by doing little bits over time you’ll have a much greater impact, without boring yourself to death.


7. Invest in Your Learning

Learning should be for life. Every moment of every day we are being faced with new opportunities to learn, some more obvious than others.

Learning is the key to lifelong growth, so when you’re looking to evolve into your absolute best self, it is something you definitely need to be making time for.

Luckily, learning something new doesn’t have to be either time or money-consuming. There are websites, publications, and groups all over the internet that can help you to stay informed and on top of your game.

(If you are interested in continuing your learning, be sure to get access to your very own Law Of Attraction toolkit which includes a number of learning opportunities! It not only can help your manifestation journey but also allow you to understand how The Law Of Attraction works. Click here now to find out more.)

8. Connect with Others

Forget social media and email; make time each day to really connect with somebody. Technology today means that we now do most of our communication from behind a computer screen. Instead, why not take out ten to twenty minutes of your day to have a conversation face to face?

Human connection, be it with loved ones or even a friendly stranger, is guaranteed to leave you feeling great, help you to form new relationships, and even strengthen existing ones.

9. Get Inspired

Make a point of actively looking to be inspired each and every day! Inspiration can be found in a number of places as you go about your day; inspirational videos, podcasts, articles, people, new places…remember to take time out, even 5 minutes, to immerse yourself in what sparks your interests.

10. Do What You Love

Finally, and most importantly of all, spend time doing the things that you love most. Life is about enjoying yourself! So no matter what it might be, be sure to carve out a small amount of time every day to focus on what makes you happy, and you’ll never go wrong.

Creating your very best life doesn’t have to be hard work. With a ‘little and often’ attitude, you can make leaps and bounds with your personal development.

Improve Your Life With the Law of Attraction…

Take a look at our Law of Attraction toolkit and receive the tools you need to start manifesting your dream life today.

The Law Of Attraction toolkit includes:

  • Extensive affirmation guide and examples.
  • Dream board and life map plan and step-by-step guide.
  • Complimentary book.
  • And more!

Click here to begin or enhance your Law of Attraction journey.

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Katherine Hurst
By Katherine Hurst
Katherine Hurst, is a Law of Attraction expert, best-selling author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on psychology, life design, structured thinking and emotional wellbeing.

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