Life has a way of changing fast; but when you feel yourself tittering on the edge of big life-change or new beginnings, how do you make that leap?
When you’re struggling to let go of the past and embrace new beginnings, a little inspiration is needed! So, take a look at the following 8 tips and quotes below for greater peace and certainty in all your life transitions.
If you’re reluctant for change and see starting anew as a sign of having failed, it’s time for a shake-up of perspective. You may not have succeeded where you’d originally hoped to; but now you have the opportunity to try again; this time, with improved wisdom.
Struggling to let go of the past? If you sense that you are holding something close to your heart that needs to be released, but you are afraid of saying goodbye, just be willing. Simply having the willingness to let go is a great first step in the right direction and begins to create the space you need to heal and let go for good.
With the opportunity for new beginnings, comes the opportunity for new experiences and personal growth. Each new chapter that greets us opens up our worlds just that little bit more, making them all the brighter for it.
Life doesn’t happen to you; you make life happen.
So rather than looking at the end of an experience or chapter of your life as something that has been forced on you, try looking at it as a chance to regain control over what happens now.
Want to take the leap into the unknown of your own accord? Simple; stop thinking about it and just do. The best way to get a new idea or chapter of your life off the ground is to just start…
And once you’ve taken that first step, have faith that although you don’t know what happens next, you are exactly where you are supposed to be!
Whether it’s quitting your job, walking away from a stressful relationship, speaking your mind on something important to you or starting up a new business venture; follow your heart.
More often than not it is inaction that we lose out to, not action. More often than not, the scarier something feels the more important it is to us.
So if it important to you, do it!
Do you know what the best thing about beginning is? You can always begin again!
That’s the real beauty of life… as quickly as something ends, we can start something new.
Regardless of what may be coming to an end or only just beginning for you, change is about growth. So when the time does come to take that step into the unknown, relish the opportunity that is in front of you.
And if you are worried about the future, questioning your life’s direction and wanting the answers now you should click on the quiz image or click here to check out this free, cutting-edge 60-second quiz that reveals a personalized path to effectively applying abundance in your life.
(Hint: There is a very well explained free video at the end that makes a lot of sense).
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