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Natalie Ledwell – Mind Movies Founder and Law Of Attraction Teacher

Natalie Ledwell on tv

Natalie Ledwell is an inspirational author and motivational speaker. Natalie is also co-founder, along with her ex-husband Glen Ledwell, of the company Mind Movies. Which is a company that produces software to help you create your own “vision board” video.

She is a recognized Law of Attraction guru. Natalie uses Mind Movies to help people find an easy way of manifesting what they desire in life. As well as writing the successful book ‘Never In Your Wildest Dream’, Natalie is also the host of ‘The Inspirational Show’, where she speaks to leaders in the personal transformation field.

Natalie’s mission is to empower 10 million people all over the world to lead lives fulfilled with happiness, joy, and passion.

Who is Natalie Ledwell?

Natalie Ledwell was born and raised in Australia in a family of 8. She said that she always knew she was destined for bigger things. She wanted more from her life and she wanted to help others achieve the same.

Natalie currently lives in Southern California with her puppy Bella. She has owned and directed a range of highly successful businesses (in cooperation with Glen Ledwell). And with her team at Mind Movies, she has touched the lives of millions of people across the world.

Natalie is also one of the founders and original members of the Association of Transformational Leaders. This provides her with bountiful opportunities to both teach and learn from other personal growth and Law of Attraction experts.

All of the products that Natalie produces have the same goal in common – to help people achieve the dreams they desire. This is also reflective of her own journey. She came from Australia and took herself from being $120,000 in debt to becoming one of the top experts in the world on teaching others how to bring success and abundance into their lives.

Natalie’s own journey has helped her to understand how she overcame her obstacles, and she uses her knowledge to teach others the same. Natalie and Glen Ledwell created Mind Movies together, and despite divorcing, have remained good friends and business partners.

Learn more about their inspiring story here and hear what Bob Proctor has to say about their contribution to the world.

Natalie has also been a host on the TV show ‘Wake Up!’ – a show that aired to over 40 million homes throughout the US. The show included interviews with best selling authors, trainers and teachers such as Jack Canfield and Lisa Nichols.

Natalie is also working on an incredible program called ‘PD for Kids’. This program includes a children’s curriculum designed to help them create a strong foundation for the rest of their lives. The program is currently being taught in poverty-stricken areas of Columbia to 10,000 children as well as Australia, Dubai and the U.S.

Natalie Ledwell’s Products

As well as talk shows, Natalie also offers various products. At Mind Movies, there are various different products that you can purchase.

These include different versions of the classic Mind Movies Creation Kit.

Natalie and Glen also offer various products on manifesting and the Law of Attraction. Including Manifesting With The Masters and Law of Attraction 101.

On the Mind Movies site, you can also see Natalie’s chat series ‘The Inspiration Show’.

Mind Movies 4.0

Mind Movies 4.0 is the creation of Natalie, Glen and the Mind Movies team. The Mind Movies 4.0 program is a powerful visualization tool that you can use to create your own personal vision board video.

Mind Movies 4.0 is designed to help you reach your goals and desires through visualization. A Mind Movie is a 3-minute video that you can put together yourself. In simple terms, the movie will be a vision of your perfect life, goals, and desires using pictures and affirmations.

This vision will also be shown in the present tense as if it has already happened. Along with positive affirmations and your very own soundtrack, the 3-minute video you create will be based on your own perfect life.

As anyone working with the Law of Attraction knows, visualization is an incredibly important tool for conceptualizing and getting what you want, but some people have a hard time actually doing it. The Mind Movies program has been designed so that it’s fast and easy to use.

According to Natalie, Mind Movies are the best way to visualize. The combination of the video with positive affirmations and your own personal soundtrack is a great way to present you with a vivid image of the life you’re building. You can also download the video on to your phone or tablet, and watch whenever you like.

Natalie and the Mind Movies team recommend watching your video once a day. The music and images, along with the personal soundtrack, is designed to put you in a positive and uplifting mindset. This can really help people when they are visualizing.

There are also many bonuses included with the Mind Movies 4.0, from other expert leaders, such as Bob Proctor and Joe Vitale.

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Our Verdict

Mind Movies Review

This incredible product has really helped me to get the most out of my visualization, in a very easy-to-use way. The choice of photos, affirmations, and music I was given was great, I had so much to choose from and could truly create my own unique video.
Another thing I found useful was that I could download it on to my phone and watch my video whenever I wanted. If I felt unmotivated, I could watch my video and I would always start to feel positive and inspired.
I also loved that I could make an unlimited amount of movies, for different aspects of my life. The possibilities are endless and I have been able to create many unique videos. It’s also a lot of fun creating my own movie, and the results have been amazing.
I also love the bonuses I have been given, featuring many other expert teachers. This product is easy-to-use, uplifting and inspiring.

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Video 1:
Bob Proctor & Natalie Ledwell Open The Manifestation Floodgates For YOU!

Natalie Ledwell talks with Bob Proctor from 'The Secret' talk about the Law of Attraction
PLUS Free Pre-Made Mind Movies Video Gift
WARNING: Available For A Limited Time Only

Mind Movies Matrix

Mind Movies Matrix is another product that Natalie and Glen created, along with the help of Morry Zelcovitch – the world’s first certified engineer in the brainwave entrainment field. The program is designed to optimize your brain and every area in your life by using brainwave entrainment, subliminal messaging and the power of Mind Movies.

The brainwave entrainment that is used stimulates your brain’s neurochemicals so that it can bring you into a state of clarity and openness. When this happens, you should not feel any stress or negativity.

After you are feeling calm, your mind will be in the optimal state of allowing. This means the Mind Movies visualization can enter your subconscious and stay there.

The effects that this product can have on the individual using it include calmness and clarity. It can also help with finding yourself naturally choosing what’s best for your body and mind as well as being able to overcome self-doubt and negative talk.

Mind Movies suggest listening and watching the video for 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes in the evening. Having the powerful visualization and affirmations in the video, along with the brainwave entrainment and subliminal technology helps to guide your brainwaves into a productive and focused state.

Because of the new technology in the Mind Movie Matrix, it has been designed so that the technology will keep working on your subconscious even when you are not watching the Mind Movie itself.

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Our Verdict

Mind Movies Matrix Review

Using this motivational program has really helped me develop a positive and calm mindset. I was able to change my limiting beliefs. The technology that is used in this program really helped me to feel calm and reach my goals.

Having the technology along with the Mind Movie itself is great. It only takes up 6 minutes of my day which is perfect if I’m busy, as most people can be.

I can also download my movies to my phone or tablet to watch them on the go. This means that if I have a spare few minutes, I can watch the videos wherever I am and the Mind Movie Matrix technology will always be working. It also comes with incredible bonuses, such as Seminar recordings from expert teachers such as Bob Proctor and John Assaraf.

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Ultimate Success Masterclass

The Ultimate Success Masterclass is an online training experience designed by Natalie. The program includes a transformational video lesson, Natalie Ledwell’s own teleseminar audio recording, and exercise worksheets. It also includes Daily Success Rituals, success tools such as online journals and lastly, a community where you can connect to other people taking part in the masterclass.

There are 12 different modules with their own individual focus within the program. Some of the 12 modules included are: creating an abundant vibration, setting a powerful intention, creating inspiring affirmations, activating the Law of Attraction, taking inspired action and much much more.

Natalie Ledwell and her team also say that this course can work around people’s busy lives. They have made the training program free to complete at your own pace. The daily exercises and rituals take a few minutes to do and you can complete them in your own time.

This training program can help with your personal growth and change your way of thinking so that you can achieve ultimate success. The product also offers bonuses, including the Mind Movies Creation Kit.

Product Rating
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Our Verdict

(USM) Ultimate Success Masterclass Review

This motivating program really helped me to become better at manifesting. I also feel like I am much more connected to my passions and desires too. Ultimate Success Masterclass has helped me to understand what I want out of life and how I can go and get it.
No matter what your idea of success is and what you want to actually succeed in, I recommend this program to anyone who wants to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.
Within the program, the exercises and tools are really helpful and kept me on track each day as they do not take long to complete. I also liked the fact that I could complete Ultimate Success Masterclass at my own pace and decide when to complete certain lessons in my spare time.

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The Inspiration Show

The Inspiration Show is an online show that Natalie Ledwell hosts. Natalie interviews some of the best teachers in the personal development field. These include Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, John Assaraf and many more.

The show posts a new interview once a week. Some of the topics that are on the shows are the Law of Attraction, success, reaching your goals, manifesting and much more.

Natalie and her team have said that they seek to provide watchers small, easy to digest videos giving them a unique insight into their own lives. The show is available online and viewers are able to go back to the very first episode. There are currently over 500 episodes of The Inspiration Show!

All of the episodes offer brief but valuable insight into the constantly growing field of personal development.

Never In Your Wildest Dreams Book

Never In Your Wildest Dream is a book written by Natalie about a woman called Katherine Murray. The book tells the story of how Katherine changed her life from extreme debt, despair and depression to reaching success and superstar award-winning screenwriter status.

The book is actually inspired by Natalie’s own life events. It shows that absolutely anything is possible and all obstacles can be overcome. As well as telling the story of Katherine, the book also gives the reader insight on how they can transform their own dreams into a reality.

Never In Your Wildest Dreams is a perfect starter book for those just getting into the Law of Attraction field. Reviews often note that this is a book to return to repeatedly, with new lessons and layers emerging over time.

Natalie Ledwell Quotes

“Let yourself feel happy about the abundance you will have, because it will come.”

“Live large, choose courageously and love without limits.”

“It’s amazing what we’re capable of when we believe we can.”

“Consistently focus upon your great life story and visualize with emotion those things you want to manifest.”

“You have no idea how your actions can cause a ripple effect of positivity.”

“You’ve got to jump in boots and all, bite of more than you can chew and chew like hell.”

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