If you've been working with the Law of Attraction for a while now, you've likely heard of expert practitioner Katherine Hurst. The critically acclaimed author of a number of Law of Attraction products including ‘Origins Reborn' and book ‘The Secret Law Of Attraction: Master The Power Of Intention'.
Katherine Hurst has long been developing an accessible range of books and exercises that can help you get better at manifestation. But what was it that led her to the LOA in the first place, and how can you best learn from her story and her work?
Katherine Hurst's background and major works reveal her unique take on the Law of Attraction and share key concepts all manifesters need to know.
Not in the too distant past, Katherine Hurst had a grueling, unsatisfying job that didn't have any connection to her values or her potential. She was doing well enough financially and she had all the material possessions she needed, but life just didn't have the spark.
She was restless and low, and when she encountered the Law of Attraction on her journey she hoped it would offer a way out. Unfortunately, she struggled to make it work for her, and she came close to giving up entirely. However, this was the point at which she finally discovered the missing piece that would help her attract the things she really wanted.
The watershed moment in Katherine's life arrived on what seemed like an average day. At the office, she found a memo telling her that her boss was leaving, and would be replaced by a younger person who was just lucky to arrive at the right time.
Katherine vividly remembered being promised that this would be her promotion, using this to motivate her to work long hours and slave away at unfulfilling tasks in the corporate world.
She suddenly realized that she had to get out of this toxic environment and change her life for the better.
Now, she lives with complete contentment with her values and her talents, and she is truly successful – rather than merely giving off the appearance of a successful person.
She uses the Law of Attraction to manifest with ease and skill, and she dedicates her time to sharing the wisdom she has gathered over time. Whatever you aim to manifest, she wants you to get there.
Her life's work now spanning around 20 years is helping others understand how they can use the Law of Attraction to create the lives they deserve.
Katherine has been the leading figure in TheLawOfAttraction.com community since 2014, and has authored programs including Origins Reborn: How To Manifest 5,000 Times Faster With Your Intention Point.
While she has always been the main voice of TheLawOfAttraction.com, she collaborates with Paul Gunter and Andrew Shorten behind the scenes to cultivate the most effective, user-friendly manifestation tools you can find.
After a lengthy and productive relationship, they now enjoy some of the greatest success in the industry and have published some of the world's most accessible guides on the Law of Attraction.
One of Katherine's major contributions to our understanding of the Law of Attraction is the concept of the Intention Point.
For her, this is the missing piece that made her able to use manifestation techniques in a reliable, straightforward way, and she wants to share it with other Law of Attraction authors and practitioners.
So, what exactly is the Intention Point? In brief, it's the space between your mind and your heart, in which you can access both these significant aspects of yourself without either dominating your awareness.
Described by Katherine as “the epicenter of your energy, learning how to access it can help you regulate your emotions, improve your health, and set goals that maximize your potential”.
As well as teaching you how to set your intention point, Katherine's courses introduce you to the idea of Intention Point shifting.
This is key to achieving multiple goals with manifestation techniques, and to aligning your desires with your intention.
Katherine offers a distinctive range of books and courses that are suitable for everyone, from the beginner to the expert.
We'll look at some of her main works here, and explain what you can expect to get out of them – this should help you choose the right product at the right time,
Origins Reborn is aimed at those who know all the basics of the Law of Attraction but don't yet feel fully competent.
Perhaps you've seen some promising results, but you have a sense that you've still to access the full force of your manifestation power.
Katherine developed this breakthrough program to help you tap into – and develop – your intuition.
Filled with practical exercises, the program teaches you how to use your Intention Point, and offers a range of IPAs (Intention Point Accelerators) that you can try.
The Fate Shifting Portal helps you find out what's holding you back from manifesting your best life.
Guiding you through your underlying, self-limiting beliefs and the subconscious messages you've absorbed, the program guides you through a process of learning productive new routines.
There are three portals designed to help strengthen your Intention Point covering the specific areas of: 1) your health and well-being; 2) your relationship with money and; 3) your power of manifestation.
As you progress, you learn how to direct your energy where you really want it, and you develop skills that improve your Intention Point work. You can learn more about this program in the story of two women. With consistent action and observation, noticeable progress can be achieved.
This short book is ideal for people who are just starting to learn about the Law of Attraction. Assuming no prior knowledge, Katherine guides you through all the basic rules of manifestation in a way that's clearer and more concise than the comparable chapters in The Secret.
It is not the usual confusing theoretical approach. These are “hands-on” exercises, tasks and powerful techniques you can use in your everyday life.
The book offers you unique guidance to:
With a powerful foreword by Dr. Joe Vitale from The Secret, Awakening to Abundance focuses on teaching you to use the Law of Attraction to attract prosperity, financial abundance, and personal growth.
Filled with Katherine Hurst's unique exercises and illustrative examples, this book aims to help you better connect with your dreams and transform your reality.
With a combined focus on teaching you to access your inspiration and act more concretely on your desires, Awakening to Abundance is both highly educational and incredibly practical.
In Katherine Hurst's energizing and informative presentation of her background and core ideas, she explains how she reached her current level of understanding.
Sharing the pain and the joy of her own experiences, she explains how you can finally get to the stage where you can apply the Law of Attraction for yourself.
Exploring how things beyond our awareness block us and hold us back, Katherine shows you the science and the spiritual wisdom that underpins effective manifestation practice.
If you want to know more about the Law of Attraction before you choose one of her books or programs, this introductory presentation is a perfect place to start.