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Top 10 Law Of Attraction Documentaries

Top 10 Law Of Attraction Documentaries

There are so many Law of Attraction documentaries, (or docu-movies) it can be difficult to know where to start. A good documentary about the Law of Attraction and manifestation can be an incredible experience for the soul. It can take us to faraway lands, discover astonishing facts about our history as a species, be a vehicle for political change, lead us down a path of spiritual awakening, as well as tell the stories of everyday people to a wider audience.

Documentaries provide an opportunity to briefly peer into aspects of our world we might otherwise be completely ignorant to or separated from. There are so many Law of Attraction documentaries that can give you incredible insights into manifesting and abundance.

Here is a list of our top 10 Law of Attraction documentaries that you absolutely must watch.

Related article: Top 10 Law of Attraction Movies

The Top 10 Documentaries About The Law Of Attraction & Manifestation

Number 10: The Compass

Law of Attraction Documentary #10

The first documentary features a whole host of familiar faces such as Joe Vitale, Bruce Lipton, Marie Diamond and John Spencer Ellis.

An elderly man tells the story as he sits down to write the story of his life. This takes the form of a character only known as “The Traveller”, a representation of not just the man's life, but of all our lives.

Intercut with the journey of The Traveller we hear from 23 different experts as they explain the concept of “The Compass”.

Across 16 different chapters, a journey for personal growth is laid out before us. With a mixture of personal stories, expert opinions, and an interesting narrative, The Compass is beautifully inspiring.

This Law of Attraction documentary is all about discovering that all the answers we seek in life lay deep within us. We just need to understand how to access them. We can do that by accessing our very own ‘Compass'.

Number 9: What The Bleep Do We Know

Law of Attraction Documentary #9

“The question is, how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?”

A true one-of-a-kind experience, this Law of Attraction documentary combines narration and computer animations to create a mind-bending look at the world.

The main focus of this docu-movie is the idea that consciousness can influence the world around us.

Featuring a number of experts from different scientific fields, it attempts to meld the worlds of spirituality and science together.

When it was released in 2004, “What The Bleep Do We Know” became something of a sleeper hit. With a limited marketing budget, the production company relied on viral marketing and word of mouth to spread interest in the production. This all paid off as it picked up a number of awards and even a year-long run in movie theatres.

If you can track it down, the documentary was later released featuring drastically extended versions. If you have an open mind to some very interesting concepts, you should absolutely check out ‘What The Bleep Do We Know'.

Number 8: The Manifesting Movie

Law of Attraction Documentary #8

This short documentary does exactly what it says on the tin. No fluff, just 30 minutes of conversations with some of the leading experts on manifesting and the Law of Attraction.

Insightful discussions on why the majority of people fail to use the Law of Attraction effectively as well as teaching you a scientifically proven 5-step manifesting technique for achieving a life of happiness.

This Law of Attraction movie also has a complimentary No-BS Manifesting Course, you can read the Manifesting Movie review to learn more.

Number 7: Napoleon Hill’s Master Key

Law of Attraction Documentary #7

Back in 1954, the legendary Napoleon Hill (also the author of Think and Grow Rich book) broadcasted this timeless, mind-blowing series.

While the format may seem a little dated now, this documentary still comes highly recommended.

The information contained inside features some of the best teachings on the Law of Attraction you’re ever likely to find.

Each episode is kept short and to the point. Meaning you can get through the entire series in a little over 2 hours.

If you really want to get the most from this one, watch it with a pen and notepad. You’ll be coming away with a lot of fascinating and thought-provoking perspectives on life.

This Law of Attraction documentary is packed with timeless information across 13 episodes and two bonus lectures that are equally as valuable. Few people speak as clearly and with such authority on the subject of manifestation as Napoleon Hill, why not take this opportunity to learn from one of the masters? He also covers the much-talked-about topic of sexual transmutation.

Number 6: Finding Joe

Law of Attraction Documentary #6

“Follow your bliss”

In 1949 Joseph Campbell released his seminal work – The Hero With A Thousand Faces. Here he discussed the journey of the archetypal hero that can be found throughout the world's mythologies. It argues that stories of Krishna, Jesus and Buddha, all feature the same mythological basis.This book brought the concept of the “Hero’s Journey” into the mainstream, influencing everything from Star Wars to Watership Down.

In Finding Joe, a whole host of successful people credit Campbell's writings on the hero's journey to their own success. We hear from the likes of Mick Fleetwood, Deepak Chopra, Tony Hawk and Rashida Jones among a whole host of other famous faces.

This documentary encourages us to look behind the human psyche and examine the similarities hidden in every success story.

A truly inspirational movie and a great introduction to the works of Joseph Campbell.

Number 5: Heal

Law of Attraction Documentary #5

Can you heal yourself using just the power of the mind?

That’s the question this mind-blowing documentary sets out to answer.

Combining the worlds of medicine and spirituality, a range of experts talk about the incredible ability the body appears to have for healing itself.

As well as taking us through the personal journeys of three people who are experiencing this phenomena themselves.

A fascinating insight into an area of biology and medicine that we don’t yet fully understand.

Number 4: The Soul of Success – The Jack Canfield Story

Law of Attraction Documentary #4

Jack Canfield is a writer, entrepreneur and motivational speaker most famous for his best-selling “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books.

In this Law of Attraction documentary, it tells the story of Jack's remarkable ascent all the way from a childhood of poverty to sharing a stage with the President of the United States.

To say Jack's story is inspirational, is under-selling it.

The core message here boils down to action.

So many of us just don’t have the motivation or confidence to take action and achieve our dreams.

The compassionate message in this movie is all about Jack's positive, gratitude-filled outlook on life. Looking at how he is able to use that to transform so many lives.

This wonderful movie will have you beaming from ear to ear and realign your outlook to one of positivity. Much like his books, this documentary will heal your soul. The perfect remedy to a tough day.

Number 3: Unsinkable: The Secret To Bouncing Back

Law of Attraction Documentary #3

“Our minds are causing all our suffering”

From the director of the equally brilliant “The Abundance Factor” comes this incredibly inspiring, award-winning documentary.

Based on the 2015 book by Sonia Ricotti (who also plays a huge part of the documentary), Unsinkable: The Secret To Bouncing Back looks at how we are able to come back from our lowest moments in life and rebuild into something even greater.

This features a wealth of knowledge from some of the best motivational experts in the world (John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Joseph Dispenza to name a few). Unsinkable teaches us the lessons required to make sure we can never be dragged down again.

If you are to take anything from this movie, is to use the tools shared. With them, you can ensure that no matter what life throws at you, you will always be able to bounce back. This is an important movie to watch if you ever feel like life isn’t going your way.

To learn more, you can read the review of the Unsinkable Movie and watch the trailer too.

Number 2: Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru

Law of Attraction Documentary #2

Each year the often imitated, never duplicated Tony Robbins hosts an event called Date with Destiny. Attendees spend an epic 6 days with Tony as they work through the issues they are facing in life and work out how to connect with their ultimate purpose. Coming away with a plan to achieve the ultimate version of their lives.

This Netflix Law of Attraction documentary takes us behind the scenes of the event. Allowing us to be a fly on the wall as Tony spends 6 days transforming the lives of 2000 people.

It’s hard not to be taken in by Tony Robbins' larger-than-life personality and it will likely bring more than one tear to your eye as you watch his audience as one by one, they bare their souls for all to hear.

This Netflix release is directed by Joe Berlinger, who sets out to tackle his subject with a deserved feeling of positivity. This documentary is so good it feels like you are at the event. It’s hard not to pump your fist in the air as Tony provides inspiring speeches and gives people the belief they can change their lives for the better right in that moment.

You won’t stop smiling through this film, inspiring and powerful in equal measure.

Number 1 Law Of Attraction Documentary: The Secret

Law of Attraction Documentary #1

“The Secret has traveled through centuries…to reach you.”

There are films in this list that you might argue are better than The Secret. However, none can hold a candle when it comes to awakening so many people to a new way of life.

The Secret has brought the teaching of The Law of Attraction into the mainstream.

If you haven’t seen it, (seriously if you haven’t, what are you doing here? Go and watch it right now).

The Secret is the precursor to Rhonda Byrnes best selling book of the same name.

The documentary reveals a secret method that the greatest people who have ever lived, have utilized. A secret law that allows us to attract anything we desire in life. Improved health, riches, relationships, love, the life of your dreams, can all be achieved by using this one simple law, yes, the Law of Attraction.

All of the big names within the Law of Attraction feature here once again – Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Marie Diamond, Bob Doyle and Jack Canfield to name a few. If you really haven’t seen The Secret before there is no better way to get introduced to the concepts behind The Law of Attraction and the art of manifestation.

For many people, this is the start of their Law of Attraction journey and for good reason. This is the standard bearer of LOA teachings. It can really start you on an incredible journey into self discovery and unleashing not only the powers of the universe, but the powers deep inside you as well.

Related article: The Law Of Attraction Is ‘The Secret’ By Rhonda Byrne

Have you seen all these Law of Attraction documentaries, (or docu-movies) in our Top 10? Did we miss any of your favorites? Please let us know in the comments below.

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Katherine Hurst
By Katherine Hurst
Katherine Hurst, is a Law of Attraction expert, best-selling author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on psychology, life design, structured thinking and emotional wellbeing.

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